Express Home and Goodbyes

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It was hard to believe first year was over. The students were riding back to King's Cross on the Hogwarts Express.

Y/N hadn't spoken much to Katie after the embarrassment he had suffered in front of the student body. Katie said she wanted to sit with her sister as it was her last time on the Express. Y/N had simply replied "good".

He had sat alone in a compartment before his four friends insisted on joining him- Hermione sat next to him, Lavender, Ron and Harry across from the pair.

Y/N had looked out of the window quiet most of the way as Hermione spoke to the others.

He had noticed Harry was quiet and asked through legilimency if it was about the muggles. Harry nodded.

Don't worry Harry I think they will treat you a little better this summer.

Harry looked at Y/N puzzled and Y/N chuckled to himself. In a conversation between the two Dumbledore had said Harry had to stay with the Dursleys. That it was important for his own good. He did not however say Harry couldn't have any visitors. Y/N was going to blow off A LOT of steam.


The train was about an hour out and the trip had been non eventful mostly. Cedric stopped by and handed Y/N a small bag which he discreetly placed in his trunk. Y/N promised to stay at Cedric's place one night during the break. Cedric wanted Y/N to teach him how to duel. Should be fun.

Hermione had started to drift off and leant her head on Y/N's shoulder. Y/N smiled, closing his eyes. It felt nice.

Not two minutes later the pair were shocked out of their slumber by a massive bang on the train window. They turned to look and saw a familiar, yet very peculiar sight.

 They turned to look and saw a familiar, yet very peculiar sight

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"Oh, it's the Augurey. Is that from your friend at the Department of Mysteries,Y/N?"

Hermione asked as Y/N opened the window to allow the bird in.

Hello my friend, how are you? Y/N whispered.

Important message from my Master, Prophesied One

Y/N heard back as he took a note from the bird's leg. The bird quickly flew out the window and away again.

"Why not use an owl?" Ron asked Y/N confused.

"He permanently wears a mask and named himself a number. The guy isn't exactly... balanced I guess would be the right word. And he's not my friend Hermione, more a... a benefactor".

He opened the note and read it with Hermione.

I have removed your trace. Have fun. 311

The note then burst into flames in his hand. The others gasped in shock as Y/N turned to Hermione, grinning.

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