Part 1 (Kirstie)

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I went from my son's crib to the bed I shared with my fiancé when my phone started vibrating. I took it, left the room, and answered the call. "Hello, Kirstin Maldonado here."

"Hello. I'm sorry to call you at this hour, but your friend was just taken for surgery. While he was still conscious, he asked to call you." A young man's voice came from the other side. He could be 20.

"Is he okay?" I asked as I felt weird tingling on my back.

Boy sighed. "I can't say much, but from what I know, someone ran over him. He's not doing well, but we've managed to save people in worse conditions." He was trying to give me a little hope.

"Can I come right now?" I asked when the tingling wasn't stopping.

"Yes, that's why I'm calling you. He wished for you to see him as soon as possible." Boy said. "I'll be expecting you."

"I will be there in less than half an hour. See you soon, I hope you'll have good news for me." I said even though I felt like he wouldn't have anything good to say.

"See you soon, Miss Maldonado." He hung up.

I walked back to the bedroom and went on to get something to wear. My fiance sat up. "Who was it?" He walked to me.

"Hospital. Mitch is in surgery and he asked for me to come to see him. Can you stay here with that little angel? I don't want to wake him up just so that you can go with me to sit there." I hugged him, hoping for a little bit of actual hope.

"You have nothing to worry about. Call me as soon as you know something." He kissed my head and went with me to the door. I nodded and left.

After 20 minutes of going through streets that for once weren't so full, I was there - in front of the hospital. From the outside, I could see 2 doctors and 3 nurses waiting by the reception. I hoped that they weren't waiting for me to tell me anything that would be bad.

I walked in and I heard one of the doctors' whisper. "That's her."

The other doctor came to me. "Miss Maldonado?" I gulped and nodded. He went white and led me to one of the chairs in the waiting room. The rest of the group was looking down.

When we sat down, I felt that tingling again. "He didn't make it, did he?" I asked with a voice indicating the tears that were forming and getting ready to fall.

He gulped and sighed. "He crashed multiple times and we managed to bring him back and stabilize him every time, as we were finishing he crashed again and we didn't revive him since. That was shortly before you arrived and there are still doctors trying to save him, but we think it's too late." He said. I heard it in his voice - the sadness and disappointment in himself. "I'm so sorry."

"Doctor Joseph?" One of the nurses came. She whispered something to his ear and then, shortly before she left, she smiled at me very lightly.

He looked at me again. "They brought him back, for now." He smiled at me.

I breathed out loudly and smiled back at him. "Can I go see him?" I asked as soon as I processed it all. He nodded and led me to the room they prepared for him before he started scaring everyone.

I walked in and what I saw was horrifying. Bandages, stitches, bruises everywhere. His eyes were closed, but the monitor was beeping to calm me down with his heartbeat.

I sat beside him and laid my hand next to his so I could touch him without squeezing anything. His heartbeat raised a bit and I smiled a bit. "Are you two a thing?" The doctor asked when he saw (and heard) the same as me. "We have only seen this happening when the people were dating."

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