Part 4 (Angel)

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When I was younger, my dad used to tell me stories before bed. My favorite one was his least favorite. It was the story about him and my mom back when she was pregnant and expecting my older brother. Dad never liked telling the story because it reminded him how awkward he used to be and how embarrassed he felt... But everything turned out awesome, so why not say it?

My dad every night before bed after I asked him about that one story: "Are you really not tired of that story? You ask for it quite a lot lately." He sighed. "But okay. Anything you ask for." He kissed my head.

My tiny hands flew into the air above me, nearly hitting him in the face. "Yay." I whisper-yelled. I turn on my side, knowing full well that if I'm on my back I will fall asleep within the first few seconds.

He chuckled and started:

It was around the time your mom told me that she was pregnant. We were very good friends so she didn't wait till it would be visible. She just called me over saying: "I have big news." She seemed happy.

I responded. "So do I, but unlike yours, my news isn't that exciting." I had one of the saddest tones I ever got out of me. Who wouldn't at such a point? I was about to tell her that 2 men loved her, years after I told her that I wasn't into girls. But I wanted her to know and I wanted to be the one to tell her.

I got to her place about 20 minutes later and my face was almost white. I knew that after that conversation our friendship wasn't going to be the same. But just like her, I didn't want to keep secrets.

Before I could knock, the door opened and her arms wrapped around me. That hug holds a special place in my heart to this very day. She pulled away and took me to the living room. Her face indicated very happy news. I didn't know what to expect, because there were many things that have the tendency to make her happy.

I sat down and held my hands together in hopes of hiding how shaky they were. She reached back and pulled out a positive pregnancy test. "I'm going to be a mom." She squeaked and showed it to me. She wrapped her arms around my shoulders and squeezed me.

I got my hands on her back and hugged her back. "You're going to be an amazing mom." And I dare to say that I was right.

She pulled away and asked. "What did you want to talk about?"

I took a deep breath. "I don't want to kill your happiness. It's mostly my problem, you can't really help with it anyway." I mumbled under my breath.

"Oh come on." She smiled at me and pulled my head to her shoulder.

I sighed. "I just- I love you. I know you don't feel the same way and I understand why. I just wanted you to find out under my conditions. I'm not expecting you to say or do anything about it, because there is nothing that you can really do about it, but keeping it from you isn't right." I said feeling a bit hurt by my own words. I put myself so down I felt bad all over again and I didn't even need anyone for it.

She took my hands and squeezed them. "Hey, hey, hey. I may not love you the same way, but I will always love you. Nothing can change that. You're still my Mitchie-poo, okay?" She pulled me into a hug and kissed the side of my head. "I know it's not the best thing to say, but no matter what you do, feel, or are, you will still be my Mitchie-poo." She whispered.

I hid my face in her shoulder and wrapped my arms around her. "That's more than I asked for," I whispered and pulled myself closer. "I honestly thought about how you would get mad at me?" I mumbled against her shirt.

He looked up when we heard steps in the hallway. Mommy peeked in and smiled. "The bedtime story?" She asked and walked to us. I nodded eagerly. "Don't you get tired of it?" She asked and sat on my other side.

I shook my head. "No, I don't. I really like it, because I know the ending." I tilted my head to make them keep going. Mommy looked at me, then at my dad, and then back at me. Then she continued:

He pulled away and smiled. I pinched his cheek. "Why would I be mad? It's not something you can do anything about. Plus it means you really care about me. I know that seeing me like this may not be perfect, but as long as you're not hurting yourself, I can't be mad at you." I sat closer to his side and cuddled with him. "Promise me that you won't hurt yourself." I sighed.

He squeezed me and laid his head on top of mine. "As long as you won't leave me." He whispered and took a deep breath. "I don't know what I would do if you didn't accept what I just told you." He whispered.

"There is no scenario where I would do such a thing." I giggled. "Plus you've been by my side for years, unless you want to leave me, you're not getting rid of me." I took his hand and held it close.

He kissed my head and I could feel him smile. "Why on earth would I want to leave you?" He asked and sighed in comfort.

Then months later, I had a dream where something went horribly wrong and I realized how much he means to me. So we got married and now we have a family together.

Mommy looked at dad with sparkly eyes. "More." I squeaked.

Mommy chuckled. "There will be more when you grow up and find someone you really care about." She leaned down and kissed my head. "Now it's time to sleep. Sweet dreams, my sweet angel." She smiled and pinched my cheek.

Dad leaned over too, when mommy stood up. "Call us if you need anything." I wrapped my arms around his neck. He chuckled and rested his head against mine. "Come on, time to sleep and dream." He whispered.

I nodded and took my teddy bear. "Good night," I called after them as they went to the door together.

They turned to me like every other time and said in unison: "Good night, Angel."

And today we watched my younger brother get married and my older brother get engaged. I could see how proud our parents were and I couldn't help but be proud as well. We've all been through rough times, but we got to a point in our lives when we're all happy.

Our parents were right. Every night before my son goes to bed me and my wife tell him the story about how my parents got together and when he asks for more, we tell him about us too. But he still loves grandpa's "more detailed" version more. I wouldn't trade this for anything else in the world.

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