Six days after I found out I was dating a lying, cheating idiot.

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Six days after I found out I was dating a lying, cheating idiot.

  I woke up the following Monday. Ugh! I thought.

"What's wrong?" Oliver asked.

"School." I thought back. He chuckled in my head.

"I'll be there soon." He said. Oliver was going to drive me to school till we fixed my car. A few days after I came home from vacation, my car broke down.

I started getting ready for school. I dressed in my favorite dress, that I bought in Jamaica. I put on my black motorcycle boots and leather jacket. I had my hoodie in my backpack in case it rained. I let my ringlets hang down, they were wild but cute. The necklace Oliver gave me never left my neck. I decided to wear my eyeliner thick but wear a soft pink on my lips. I liked the way I looked this morning. I ran downstairs and grabbed a pear.

"Bye Hill, bye Tyler." I chimed over my shoulder as I ran out the door. Oliver was sitting in his car a few houses down.

"Good morning." He said as I shut the door.

"Yes it's morning, but what's so good about it?" I asked closing my eyes and leaning my head back.

"I get to see you." He said leaning over and kissing my cheek. I felt myself blush. "So, why does it seem you'll be sulking today?"

"I will not." I said looking at him. I leaned over and kissed the bottom of his jaw, I was too short to reach his cheek.

"Why are you grumpy?" He asked pulling onto the highway.

"I didn't sleep to well last night." I told him. "Couldn't stop thinking."

"About what Logan and Alex might have told people." He guessed. "If they said anything bad about you, we'll post the video."

"I thought you deleted that." I said.

"Off your phone."

"What?" I was confused.

"I sent it to my phone first." He clarified. We were two blocks from school. When we pulled into the parking lot, a few people stared at Oliver's car. He chuckled when they started staring. He found a parking place fast. "Don't you dare open your own door." He said smiling. He hurried around and opened it for me. He took my bag off my shoulder and put it on his.

"You don't have to do that." I said, wrapping my arm through his.

"I know, but I want to." He kissed my head as we headed to get his schedule.

 The office attendant handed Oliver his schedule. Keeping my arm around his, I took the schedule. We had all the same classes except, I didn't have to take gym. On our way to our first class, we only met two people. Autumn and her friend, Kelly.

"Hey Ella." Autumn said.

"Hey." We stopped. "Autumn this is Oliver. Oliver, Autumn" I introduced.

"Hey." Autumn said. Oliver just smiled and waved. "Ella, I know about Alex and Logan. I can't believe they did that, and I hope we can still be friends."

"Of course, Autumn." I said smiling. Autumn gave me a one armed hug and headed to her class.

"Now is it a good morning?" Oliver asked.

"Stop smirking." I said. He snickered again and we headed to class.

Oliver talked to Mr. Bryan while I took my seat. When the bell rang, Oliver sat by me.

Mr. Bryan called roll and then started writing equations on the board. I started copying them down but keep getting distracted. Oliver would work a problem, look at me smile, wink, or something then work another problem. At last, I finished working the problems. I tore a piece of paper out of my spiral.

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