Hazel 2

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My heart nearly escaped from my chest, as I closed my bedroom door behind me. What was wrong with me? Openly gaping at a stranger? I mean, who does that? With just my luck, that was the new boy Dylan. I dropped the red rose beside me, as I dropped down on my king sized bed. I hugged the closest pillow and sighed. Oh, his eyes! They were so beautiful... I immediately sat up. "Oh no. Whatever I think is happening, it better not be happening." I scolded myself, using one of my favorite quotes. I better not be liking this...this...this stranger! A sudden knock made me jump.

I quickly wiped my forehead from sweat and went to the door, cracking it open a bit, and then all the way. "Mum! Oh my gosh, you're home at last! Oh my gosh mum!" I exclaimed, as I wrapped my arms around her, and bent down to put my head on her shoulder.

"Hazel, I missed you so much too! Oh darling, you seem even taller than last week! I love you so much!" My mother hugged me back even harder.

Tears started to well up in my eyes, and a sob escaped. I breathed in her sweet scent of citrus fruits, and hoped that she wouldn't leave again soon. I've been so lonely this past five days. "Honey.... Tell me how you've been lately. Tell me everything that's happened, and don't you dare leave a single detail out." Mum grabbed a stray strand of my cinnamon colored hair, and tucked it behind my ear. She grabbed my hand in her very warm tan one She led me to my wooden bed and threw herself down, pulling me with her. A giggle escaped. So I told her how my week had gone, from homework to tests, from books to t.v. shows, and from Madelyn to the new boy, and the stranger.

Her oval face scrunched up in worry, as she took in my arm. She carefully went and touched it, and it felt as normal as ever. Mum knows thats its hard for me to get hurt, unless I imply it on myself. It still makes her worry though."Oh honey. I'm so sorry, I don't know what to say. But I'm sure that karma will come around and kick his backside." She poked my side, sending a series of giggles. But I don't want him to get hurt. He's the only person who as helped me up. "And by any chance would the stranger be related to Oprah Angelo?"

I shrugged. I didn't even know this strangers first name to be honest. Unless he was Dylan Angelo. "Well at work, we have a new employee with that name. She's quite queer. She's one of the ones who stay home and will type up the reports. She's got these very big golden yellow eyes, auburn hair, and skin as pale as yours." Mum told me." Maybe I sound crazy, but I swear to god I've seen her before. A face like hers is impossible to forget. She gives me these unexplainable chills too. There's something not natural about her."

"Mum, the new boy in town too. He's even taller than me, same skin complexion, and these aqua eyes. But he has really dark hair too. Do you suppose they're related after all? And she's probably the boys aunt from my school. I haven't met him yet, unless he was the stranger. He probably was, considering their queerness." I told mum.

Perhaps was the only answer she gave me. We stared at my baby blue ceiling, decorated with clouds, birds, and angles. I turned to see my mum smile. She noticed how I've kept busy. "Oh Hazel, it's so beautiful. You're even better than Michelangelo!"

My face blushed, but I smiled. I liked it a lot too. A heavy pause suddenly filled my master bedroom. I turned to look at her, questions in my violet eyes. What is she hiding from me?

Mums face was scrunched up in worry, and her rosy lips pursed in worry. Her face had turned pink, with the effort of something. A sob rocked her hourglass shaped body. So, her face turned pink on the effort of holding in a sob." Mum? Mum what's wrong?"

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