Hazel 3

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I looked at the florescent open sign of a twenty-four hour food market. Mum had probably decided to take a bathroom break, explaining why I had waken up alone. The trip is far from our hometown. But that forest, especially the meadow, makes it worth it to drive ten hours. Yes, I know. It seems to be a little too far for a camping trip, but that place feels like home. Where my memories began, and mum's worry disappears.

I had driven the first five hours of the trip, because mum had been too tired from her previous trip. We had left at seven at night, seeing no time to waste. But midnight had fallen, and I was exhausted. And that was saying a lot considering I don't tire easily.So I had let her take the wheel.

Plick. I covered my mouth from laughing at what had caused me too jump. I peeked at the sun roof, and saw that the rain had finally decided to come down. Well, it better stop before we get through our camping ground, I stared accusingly at the crying heavens. My mum used to tell me that when it rained, that it was the angels crying for the angel that got lost from the sky. She stopped telling me stories years ago,when I insisted I was too big for them. My childhood consisted of trying to find the lost angel, but then I never found him. Or her. Then to make me feel better, mum told me I was the lost angel. And I believed her for many years. But now I know better.

A jingle of a bell caught my attention. A petite women filled with white bags came out. So she bought stuff after all, I decided. I know. Very observant of me. I opened the door, and raced out to help her. But when I got there, mum wasn't anywhere! Then a second jingle turned me toward the door. Mum was there, walking the same as before. Gods, I must've just...forget it. Seeing visions of the future isn't real. Stop taking them out of books. I grabbed all seven grocery bags she had. She rewarded me with a smile and opened the trunk. She didn't ask how I had known she was coming out, probably thought I would join her inside. I didn't mention anything either. I put it all in, and was about to go to the drivers side, when she cut me off. I halted, and stared at her, when she laughed and pushed me away playfully. "Get in then Haze."


Mum's gentle snores filled my ears as I turned the car of an hour later. "Mum, are you awake?" Don't ask me why I'm asking her if she's snoring. I just talk to her until she wakes up. But I am anxious to get going so I also shake her."Mum, come on! Let's go stretch our legs! We've got two hours of hiking to do!"

"Five more minutes...."She mumbled and turned over in the car seat.

I looked at her lovingly. "Sure mum." I picked up the blanket, which had fallen to her stomach, and pulled it to cover her shoulders. She sighed contently.

I crept toward the trunk, and started preparing our matching red orange backpacks. Mine had basically everything, but to not make her feel weak, I left the lighter things for my mum. For some reason, I was really strong. My mum says probably one or maybe both my biological parents came from a long line of wrestlers or body builders, passing their strength onto me. I doubt it though. I have a willowy figure, I can't see a bump of pure muscle anywhere.

Almost suspiciously, I peeked at my phone. Six ten, the clock flashed at me. She better appreciate it. I let her sleep almost a half hour! I slipped on my backpack, and headed to the passenger side, holding her much lighter bag. I swiftly opened the Cadillac's passenger side and sang , "Wakey wakey, eggs and bacon!"

"Bacon?!" She exclaimed, sitting straight up, an eager smile on her delicate face.

"Nope! But there will be in about two and a half hours though!" I slipped her backpack on. I locked the car, and made sure no valuables were on sight. Satisfied, we started to disappear into the dark trail, making our way to our secret camp-out.


After two hours of trampling on the woods, slapping gnats and mosquitoes, and avoiding mud puddles (which was basically every couple feet, nearly impossible), we arrived at our destination. I looked at our hidden entrance. "Mum? Is it the rain, just me, or does it look like someone went through our secret tunnel?" I had to be crazy, I doubt that anybody could spot our entrance.

"Now that you mentioned it... Well, lets go befriend them. Anyone clever enough to discover our bit of heaven is worthy enough to become our friend." She responded with ease.

To be frank, I was kind of mad. Like, who dares interrupt our safe haven? But I nodded, and pretended I was as excited as she was. We trampled a bit more through our 'tunnel', seeing signs that someone had definitely come through here. I shielded my eyes, from the sun that the raindrops were helping reflect. And thats when my hopes shattered. I was hopping they had left, but they were still clearly here. To make matters worse, there were two huge tents. How many people came?

As if in cue, a women with flaming red hair came out, caution etched into her beautiful features. Even as sleepy as she looked, she looked like a goddess. She glanced at me, showing me her golden colored eyes. Both of ours opened wide. But her mouth dropped open. Whether she was gasping at me, or not, I'll never know, Because my mother decided to start talking.

"Hi! I see you've found our little bit of heaven," Mum started walking to her, making the gorgeous lady shift her attention to my mothers. My mum suddenly gasped. "Oh my gosh! You're Oprah Angelo aren't you!" Without waiting for an answer from this very concerned looking women she rushed on."I'm Violet Matthan. I'm one of your fellow workers. And this beautiful young lady next to me is Hazel. So pleased to meet you." She ended with her hand outstretched towards the lady Oprah.

My face burned red with embarrassment. It took all my will to not back away slowly. Instead I tried to look as friendly as possible. I stretched my lips wide into a grin and gave a half wave."Good morning."

The lady cracked open a smile, and shook my mums hand warmly. "So pleased to meet you both! And that is a beautiful young lady alright!" She shook my hand, making it tingle.

My whole face burned at being complimented."Th-thank you."

"Who's a beautiful young lady?" A deep familiar voice that made my insides quiver drifted from the other giant tent.

The blue zipper zipped open, and a painfully familiar pale arm and leg came out. And then the rest of his tall body. His aqua eyes froze my violet ones in place, and I rasped out a weak hi. His impossibly bright smile seemed to substitute the sun as he greeted me a, "Hello Hazel."

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