A Very Hungry Christmas: The Sequal (Hopefully not a bad one)

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Five years ago, I got engaged to my Girlfriend, Sasha Braus. After we graduated from college, we got married. Our wedding was fantastic, all of our friends showed up and we had an amazing time. Especially, when I saw her walking down the aisle with her father. Her dress was a radiant white that perfectly brought out her flowing red hair, which fell was down in contrast to her usual ponytail. I thought to myself, how could this day get any better? I was proven wrong when she said "I do" and we kissed when we danced at the reception, and later that night, and on our honeymoon. Ever since then, we've been living in an apartment and have been doing great. However, Sasha has been a bit off for the past few weeks. She's been very tired lately, and she's also been feeling sick. I would be constantly worried that something was wrong until she would ask for food. Hearing her ask for food always put me at ease, in fact, her appetite is stronger than ever. I think it's probably some winter bug going around, especially considering it's December.

Tonight was Christmas eve and I had the perfect gifts ready for her, gift cards to all of her favorite restaurants, a limited edition compact bow she'd been eyeing at the sporting goods store at the mall, as well as a few Green Arrow (her favorite superhero) comic books. Right now though, I was busy driving home from my last day of work for a while. I was given Christmas and New Years off at my job as a chef at a local restaurant, and I couldn't be happier to get home and see my wife. Sure I loved working at the restaurant, but to the customers, I was just another rando they trusted to cook their food. However, to Sasha, I was Gordon Ramsey. She loved my cooking so much and that made her all the more special to me. As I parked in the large garage that belonged to our apartment building, a thousand ideas swam through my head about what Sasha had gotten me. A new cookbook, a jacket, two tickets to see The Matrix: Resurrections, the possibilities were endless. I was too excited to think all I knew was that my loving wife, Sasha, would get me something perfect like she does every year. My heart raced as got out of the car and swiftly entered the building. I ran up the stairs so fast I just might've broken the sound barrier. It didn't matter though, because I was home. I sprang into our apartment "Honey, I'm home"

No answer

"Sasha?" I say again. I look over at the couch. She was fast asleep, cuddled up on the couch in her favorite PJ's. She hasn't gone out lately because she wasn't feeling well. Without saying a word, I get to work. I quietly begin to start making our dinner. I take some lamb from the fridge and slap it onto the stove to cook. Somehow, she stayed asleep nearly the whole time, even though I was cooking directly in her vicinity. She must have been out cold. Not surprised considering she woke up feeling sick at five in the morning. She must've been tired. I was about to set the table when I heard her clothes sifting on the couch. I look back at the couch and saw her disheveled form. Her mouth agape, with enough drool to fill the Mississippi river escaped it. "LAMB" she roared with excitement as she ran toward the table "Gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme"

"Hold your horses, potatoe girl," I say, keeping her away from the food "You'll get your food when I'm done setting the table"

Realizing I wasn't going to give her the food right away. She instead latched both legs around my waist and both arms around my neck. I caught her weight just in time for her to slam her lips on mine. I felt the sensation of our make-out session get pretty heated. The muffled vibrations of her voice were barely audible, and all I was able to make out was "Merry Christmas" As our lips unlatched, her glossy brown orbs stared into my eyes as she gave me a peck on the nose "Merry Christmas baby"

"Merry Christmas to you too" I say as she unravels herself from my body. "How was your day?"

"It was good" said Sasha "I was just a little tired is all, but I feel better than I did this morning"

"That's good"

"And how was your day"

"Also good" I say as I finish setting the table and sitting down. "We had lots of customers today, everyone's really excited this year, don't you think?"

A Very Hungry Christmas (Sasha Braus x Reader Modern AU)Where stories live. Discover now