Sometimes Getting Shot Can Lead to Good Things

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*Note: please don't get shot. This is the only context in which it is a good thing.

She hears it before she sees it. The sound of a bullet ripping through the air, the rattle of the barrel on Powder-Jinx's machine gun slowing down and a panicked cry from Caitlyn. Vi stares at it, almost mesmerised, as it hurtles towards her, tearing part of her jacket, and lodges itself in her side. Streaks of red begin to ooze out like tiny rivers, staining her undershirt. First, there's a slight itch. It erupts into a burning, throbbing pain. She staggers backwards and stumbles over in some state of shock.

'No... No, I didn't mean to, I didn't mean to, I didn't mean-' Jinx screams in anguish, but the words sound like they're underwater. She drops her gun, presses her palms firmly against the sides of her head and shakes it violently. Frantically she paces around like she doesn't know what to do with herself, incoherently shouting to nobody in particular. Her eyes dart fretfully from side to side,  before shutting tightly for a moment as if to think. Then, Jinx bolts, diving through the shattered remains of a glass window. Nobody goes after her.

Normally, Vi would be just as distressed to see her like this as she is feeling, but right now she isn't really registering what she's seeing. Her world is blurry, the only thing keeping her anchored - the pain in her side. It happened so fast, she had no time to think. She is vaguely aware of smooth, firm but familiar hands around her waist as Caitlyn tries and fails to keep her on her feet. She shouts something, panicked, but the words sound like disjointed sounds.

The last thing she is aware of before her world fades to black is that same soft hand on her cheek.


'God. Fuck,' are the first words she murmurs as she begins to stir. Vi forces her eyes open, blinking at the harsh light of what appears to be Caitlyn Kiramman's guest room. The fancy-ass bedside table is covered in flowers, cards and other gifts of the sort. She scoffs, and turns to examine them.

A jolt of pain through her side makes her cry out. Suddenly it all comes flooding back: Powder. Caitlyn. The shot.

'Oh god, Powder,' she hisses. Vi can only imagine what the other girl is going through, as she finally starts processing those last hazy memories before she blacked out. The look of fear, desperation and regret in her sister's eyes... the panic in her movements as she fled. Vi feels sick to the stomach, so guilty, at the thought. And fuck, now everyone would think Powder really was a monster.

I have to find her.

Vi tries to sit up, but is brought back to Earth by what feels like lightning coursing through her wound. She lets out a strangled cry before retraining her breath.

Looks like that'll wait, then.


Vi settles for looking through all the overly patronising 'Get-Well-Soon' gifts while she bides her time. There's a bundle of flowers from Cait's parents and a card from Jayce and Viktor respectively (although she doesn't really know them that well). There's a cupcake, too. She can't help a snicker. Easy enough to guess who that's from.

And finally, there's something else... tucked behind the obnoxiously-large Kiramman bouquets. She strains her mercifully uninjured arm to reach it. It feels like a rusty metal toy of some kind... she picks it up to get a closer look. 

It's sickeningly familiar, scrawled on in neon paints. Its iron teeth chatter, an irritating sound, and Vi yells out, throwing it across the room at the exact moment Caitlyn opens the door.


As it explodes into neon pink paint (thank gods), it leaves behind a small strip of paper. There are co-ordinates written on it, vaguely familiar to Vi. It would be... yes, the old shimmer factory. Or somewhere around there. Directions never were her strong suit. But now, she's got Caitlyn, so that hopefully wouldn't be an issue.

'You want me... to go and talk to your sister? Who just shot you, and also hates me?'

'Yeah, that sounds about right.'

'You're lucky I like you. I'll be there tonight.'


Author's Note:

Hi! Sorry this chapter is so short, it's more of a prologue to be honest. I needed a reason for Caitlyn and Jinx to meet up in order to write them and their immensely interesting dynamic. I promise the next one will be longer.

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