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"we're sorry, kaeya," jean sighs slowly, the familiar man's head soon bowing. "y/n just had a better perspective on the people of mondstadt. she somehow beat you in physical training, mental training, and protection of mondstadt. though you're very exceptional in those fields, how could we say no? plus, you both trained for this day. someone had to be chosen."

"jean, jean," he soothes, trying not to show off the irk in his eyes. he looks towards you, giving you a glare that meant war. "don't worry about it. i'm not upset, just a bit baffled."

"i'm sure you both will be able to get along," jean nods, looking over at you with her bright eyes. she smiles softly, patting your shoulder. "kaeya, y/n's a great fit for this position, just like you were. i'm sure you can teach her the ropes, hm?"

"surely," kaeya chuckles, clapping once through his dissatisfaction. "don't worry about."

"reassuring," lisa speaks up, tilting her large hat upwards. "y/n, if you do ever need help, i'll be here too. a librarian has no flaws."

"i'm grateful for all of you who have given me this chance. thanks," you say happily, looking towards kaeya. "you too, kaeya. it was a great competition."

you and kaeya exit jean's office, slowly walking out to the lobby. you sigh happily, clapping your somewhat sweaty hands together. "so kaeya, what do you think-" as you turn to him, you're alarmed to see the freezing cold glare he sends you. "...um, kaeya?"

"we're not friends, y/n. that spot was mine, and you think you could just steal it like that?" ...what's wrong with this dude? is he a sore loser? "you can learn everything on your own since you're such a tryhard. i'm sure this job will be too much for you, and then i can take it back."

as he walks away from you, you scoff. "what's your deal, kaeya?" you respond harshly, causing him to stop in his tracks. "what, butt-hurt that you lost your yearly position? oh, hush. obviously, there was someone better for the spot, and it was me. accept it. someone's just a bit better than you."

kaeya clicks his tongue, almost laughing as he turns back to you. "oh, really?" he slowly claps, eyes widening as he inches towards you. it scared you a bit, seeing kaeya so intimidating under this light. "i hope you're that sure of yourself when training starts. i'll make sure to put you in so much pain, that maybe you'd quit."

you should stand up for yourself. no, you had to! you wouldn't listen to some blue-haired weirdo telling you he's better than you! your ego was too high to let that go.

so, you also walk up to him, and though the height difference, you put your face near his. "oh, i will, mr. ex-captain," you say, making him bite his cheek. "i will be better than anything you could've been."

and as you shove past him, crossing your arms in a fit of fury, kaeya watches you with a raised eyebrow.

training would be hideous, 

but somehow, he didn't mind if you took his position a little less.

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