Chapter Four

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Aria's POV~

Skip time after school~

After school was done I started to walk to Grace's office to get my dorm. As I got to Grace's office I knocked.

"Come in!" I heard a soft kinda scream kinda not in the office. I opened the door to see a tall man standing in front of the desk.

"Oh Aria! So here is the key to your dorm. Um Cameron I will get back to you about everything I need to show Aira to her dorm." The tall man that's name is more likely Cameron turned around.

I took a good look at him and he was Aurora's oldest.

"Hey little one...are you okay?" I snapped out of my little day dreaming and looked at him.

"Yes I am fine!" I smiled at him, Cameron nodded and walked out of the office.

"Okay let's get going to your dorm!" Grace stood up and then took my hand in hers we walked out of the office.

"This year might be the best year that you might ever have." Grace started to walk to go out of the school.

"Wait why are we going away from the school. If it is dorms should it be in the school?" I asked Grace.

"No, no honey. Our dorms are outside on the school property. The school's property is huge so we had to make use for it. So we put all the dorms on the school property." Grace told me as we walked out and to the side of the school.

On the side of the school their we dorms/one story/three room houses. A good amount where baby blue and the rest were a pastel pink.

"Come on, I am going to show you where your going to live now." Grace started to walk to one of the small houses. The one that she walked up to had the number 12 on it.

"This is the room of a little that recently graduated. The only thing that really is left is everything that was their before. Some clothes and some food." She told me as she started to open the door.

"We kept everything in their as she moved out yesterday and none of the food is expired. We were saving everything for the next little. I hope you fit into women's medium." Grace smiled as she started to walk into the house. I slowly fallowed her into the house.

"Yes I fit in it but it is pretty big on me." Grace nodded then she smiled.

"So this is the kitchen as well as living room, you can eat in the kitchen as it has a table but you can also eat in the living room." Grace smiled as I nodded along to what she was saying.

"Now if you come over here." She walked into a hallway that was just enough room for two people to be in the hallway.

"This door here is your play room because your a little." Grace pointed to the left.

"Then this door here is your bedroom." She pointed to a door a little down the hall from my play room and to the right.

"Now if you come into your room, these doors are your closet. Then this door here is your bathroom." Grace pointed to a door across the bedroom door then a door on the end of my bedroom facing forward where you stand in front of it.

"Thank you for showing me around." I thanked Grace.

"Your welcome, I hope you have fun here. Also if you want Eliana told me that you can ask her to go shopping when ever you want." Grace smiled.

"What would she do with Isaac?" I asked.

"Oh Isaac would be with his older brother. Isaac's older brother is used to watching him when ever Eliana go shopping anyways so it is fine." Grace smiled at me than gave me the keys to my house.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2021 ⏰

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