Chapter 2 friends?

32 3 1

Nobody's pov: 

Sparkling looked around the shop while waiting for the boy

To be back from the back room sparkling took out hes phone

And answered some messages he hasnt answered yet

A while later...

The boy came back with a bunch of red roses 

Sparkling examined the rose's and thought this was the beutiful

Flowers he has ever seen "how much for it?" "About 69 dollars"

"Here" sparkling handed herb the credit card and herb took it

(After cashing the money from the credit card)

"Oh whats your name by the way?"  "Herb. You?"

"Sparkling" "nice to meet you sparkling" herb said

A smile forming on hes face "well i gotta go see you then herb"

Sparkling walked out the shop and headed straight back to hes

Home. Once sparkling got back home he gave the rose's to hes mom

And went straight to hes bedroom right after.

It was 10:00 am midnight sparkling could'nt sleep he keeps thinking about

That boy herb sparkling groaned and tried to sleep but failling since

He keeps thinking of herb sparkling putted a pillow on hes face and closed

Hes eyes trying to sleep. Sparkling finally slept at 2:00 in the morning

Chapter 2 done word count: 183

Correct me in the comments if i misspelled anything

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