Chapter 17: Rurik's POV

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Sorry for my long absence. I had a lot of life changes and then major writer's block. Hope you continue to enjoy my story. 

"Max, you need to be more careful. I can't bring men back from the dead and you seem set on bringing more and more men there." I take off my blood-stained scrubs and slip into a t-shirt and jeans again.

"Do you have to change in the laundry room, man?" Max's voice was whining and he was obviously avoiding the conversation meaning he knows he shouldn't have gone that far.

"I change here every time I have to clean up your messes, Max. You just never come with me because you're usually gone by the time I'm done. Do you understand what I'm saying about trying not to kill them right away? We could get more information. Yes, I know it will take longer and maybe more days but I can't bring people back to life! I'm not a miracle worker, Max." He looks away as I finish my rant. Finally, I am getting somewhere.

"I understand, Rurik. I'll try not to kill them anymore. Only seriously injuring from here on out so you can patch them up before they bleed out. I will also slow down the process of my torture. Though they already have been getting days off with Kenna needing to be watched by me." I grunt in satisfaction. At least I got somewhere with him.

"Thank you. Speaking of which, isn't it your day to be watching Kenna?" I shove the scrubs into the washing machine and get the laundry detergent.

"Alek called me down to deal with what you just had to clean up. I let Lev take care of it. I'll take over his time tomorrow to make up the hours. She was being a-". Max froze. "What the fuck is that?" I look over my shoulder as I reshelve the laundry detergent. "Rurik, shut up, stop moving, and listen. What the fuck is that?"

I take a moment and listen. Besides the hum of the air conditioning, I can't hear anything. I make a face at Max and he pulls me to where he was standing. Then I hear it. A voice. It's soft and feminine and since it's on the second floor it would have to be Kenna's. It is steady and rhythmic. I look at Max and he also has a confused look on his face trying to pinpoint what is happening. Suddenly the voice cries out and Max and I look at each other. She just came. Was she masturbating while Lev was out of the room? Why was she being so loud? Then we both heard it. Steady creaking of the wooden bedframe every one of us have. Lev was having sex with her.

Max stays in place frozen and unsure of what to do. I walk over to the washing machine and turn it on. The noise completely drowns out what Lev and Kenna are doing upstairs and it seems to unfreeze Max as well.

"I'm going to kill him." Max's words were filled with poison as he follows me out of the laundry room.

"You may not have to. Lev will almost certainly tell Alek about it." I look over at Max and smirk. "He will get punished by Alek deservingly. However, if we want to make it worse for him, we can tell Alek and when Lev goes to tell him it will look like an afterthought making his punishment more severe." Max smiles in return.

"I like how you think, brother." Max follows behind as I continue down the hallway. "Where do you think Alek is?"

"I suppose he is in the kitchen eating the Piroshky Lev just made." We continue down the hallway to see that very sight. Alek sitting in the kitchen eating. "Hey, Alek." I grab a plate and put food on it and Max follows.

"Were you able to save the worm?" Alek mumbled between bites.

"No but I've already scolded this one about it so no need to chew him out this time." I stated. Alek nodded and continued eating.

"I'm sorry about earlier in the hot tub. You're right, that got out of hand and I was a pretty shitty friend in that moment." Alek had completely put his food down and was looking at me. I had made quite the fuss earlier but I wasn't expecting an apology.

"It's alright." I nodded. "Actually, there was something Max and I wanted to talk about. We were just in the laundry room and we heard something that was happening in Kenna's room."

"Is something wrong? Should I crack back down on security for her? If she's going to retaliate, I need to know." Alek looked dead serious.

"No nothing like that!" Max blurted out. "She was just... Well... She and Lev were having sex." Alek froze looking ahead. I could tell he was processing the information Max just gave him.

"Are you certain?" Alek asked eyes trained on me. I can tell he is furious.

"Yes. Max heard her moans and alerted me. Then we both heard her come. This was followed by the steady creaking of the wooden beds we all own so we are familiar with the sound and more moans following it. We didn't stay to hear anymore." I look at him simply stating the facts. Alek nods and looks forward again.

"Well, I suppose I will have to deal with this. We will see if Lev tells me after his shift with her or texts me about it before then. Regardless, I'm not happy about my second completely defying an order." Alek stands up and leaves the room.

I hope Lev gets what is coming to him. As much as I want the girl, I will never defy Alek to do so. Alek has done too much for my brother and I for us to turn our backs on him for a woman. I hope Kenna is not blamed for this one. I do not think Alek will do that this time but he has proved me wrong before.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2021 ⏰

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