"Rain day"

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(Rougefort was stealing something before it started raining and almond spotted him ;w; he's also sick)

Rougefort pov

I rushes though the rain while trying to keep lord crumbles the III dry. I was planning to rob something before it started raining and almond spotted me. as I was running in the rain. I always saw walnut holding a umbrella, rain coat and rain boots. she wasn't here before, why was she here, she wasn't here before. as I kept running, I turned into a alleyway. breathing heavily. I put my cloak over lord crumbles and lean against the wall visibly shaking as I feel my body gets weaker at the moment. I was shivering and everything was blurry. "there you are!" almond said as he came close. "D-DON'T-" I said as I try to back off further but ended up slipping, bonking my head hard on the wall and falling to the ground. the last thing I saw was walnut rushing over to me before I blacked out completely.

almond pov

"ARE YOU ALRIGHT!?" walnut said as she started shaking rougefort. I ran over and felt his pulse. still alive good. "he's alright, just fainted." I said as I picked him up and walnut got up. "so what would we do with him papa?" she said as she picked up his cloak which turned out, had lord crumble the III in it and she walked over to me and we started to walk over to the house "we are going to take care of him alright? also please don't cause any troubles." walnut nodded as we starts to head into our house.

~timeskip~ rougefort pov

I felt something soft on me, as I opened my eyes I saw that I was in a house with lord crumbles the III sleeping peacefully next to me. as I sat up, a sharp pain came to my head, I held my head trying to stop as I try to get off the bed but it just made the pain even worse. "what are you doing!?" I heard a voice pushing me back on the bed, I stared at the figure for a moment before realizing it was almond. "AH! WHAT AM I DOING HERE!?" I said as i back away from almond. he sat down on the bed and handed me a spoon with some sort of liquid in it. "drink" he said in a stern tone, I stared at it for a few moment. trying to think if its poisonous or not. as almond stared at me while holding the spoon, walnut came out with a bowl of some sort of soup? I was confused. shouldn't they be sending me to jail by now? "papa is- oh hi-" she said as she sat on the bed as well. walnut took the spoon from almond and puts it near my mouth "your sick drink it!" she said trying to feed me it "I'm not-" I said as I got cut off by a sneeze, there was a few awkward silence before walnut squealed saying "that was the cutest sneeze I ever heard!" she said while almond was chuckling. I took the spoon and took the medicine. "bleh-" I said while giving the spoon back to almond. the headache was gone for now and I felt less dizzy. almond spoke up. "so why were you running in the pouring rain WITHOUT anything to keep you dry? you know us cookies are weaker in the rain" he asked while glaring at me. "I didn't know it was going to rain and I was going to rob something..." I said looking back. he looked at me with a disappointed look before walnut gave me the bowl and ran off, I was confused to say the least. I didn't have anything to eat it with, almond gave me the spoon and left. as I was eating the soup in peace. I looked back at lord crumble the III and they sat on my lap and started to purr. as I continued drinking the soup. i felt better so I tried to get up this time. luckily it worked this time and I didn't had a headache. as I explored the house, I saw a sign that said "almond bedroom" as I opened the door a bit. I saw almond stressing out while staring at a random file. "are you alright?" I spoke up as he looked up at me and said "I'm fine its just this case I been solving, I can't seem to find the culprit." he said while sighing. he got from his chair and dragged me back outside and placed me on the couch with a window in front. he sat down as well and I watched the rain. as I stared at the rain. I felt dizziness take over me and I fell asleep.

almond pov

As me and rougefort stared at the rain, I felt a weight on my shoulder. as I turned my head over. I saw rougefort sleeping on my shoulder. I smiled as I picked them up and put them back on the bed. as soon as I tried to let them go, they cling on to me and I was forced to lay on the bed with them. I was saying that I didn't enjoy it. I was actually finding this quite relaxing. as rougefort nuzzled on my chest. I felt butterflies flew all around my stomach. as I cuddled with him as well. I slowly closed my eyes. I knew I already putted walnut to bed and that there was nothing to disturb this. I slowly but surely drifted off to sleep with rougefort in my grasp.

~bonus~ (walnut spying on rougefort and almond) walnut pov

As I peeked out the doorway. I saw that dad and rougefort sleeping together. I smiled widely before taking a picture and closing the door, I chuckled and went off to my room. I put the picture on a board and wrote "evidence 1" I backed up to see the board and it had plenty of picture with rougefort and papa together. I had these picture I was suspecting that papa had a crush on rougefort and I as correct. seeing how many pictures I had of them, this confirmed my case. I chuckled and put the board back. as I do, I turned off the lights and pretended I was never awake


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