"Merry Christmas!"

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(sorry everyone that I couldn't post this earlier I was so busy ;w; anyways enjoy this chapter and merry late Christmas and make sure to stay healthy, wish everyone luck on the new year! -from author Irene)

Rougefort pov

I woke up to walnut squealing as she jump up and down on me and almond bed. "It's Christmas It's Christmas!" she said as she kept jumping on our bed. I heard almond groan as I chuckled and we both got up. we both head downstairs as she was excited to open her present. "walnut we can't open our present yet remember? we still got to eat breakfast." I said chuckling. walnut was always excited for Christmas and this one was extra special because espresso, latte and Madeline are coming as well as creampuff. I went to the kitchen and started cooking breakfast as I felt two arms wrap around my waist. I smiled as I started to hum while making breakfast. after I finished making the breakfast and started setting down the plates, I heard the doorbell. "I'll go get it." almond said as he walked to the door and walnut followed. I finished putting down the plates as espresso, Madeleine, latte and creampuff came in. walnut hugged creampuff as latte glanced at me and chuckled. "rough morning?" she said as I nodded. "walnut got so excited that she woke both of us up by jumping on the bed." I said as the other chuckled. "My dear friends have you guys not ate breakfast yet?" he asked as he looked at the plate of food. me and almond shook our head as almond spoke up. "we just woke up and I need coffee..." he said as he went to the coffee machine and got his mug. walnut and creampuff already started exchanging present as I gave walnut plate of food to her. "Do you guys need more time or?" espresso asked as he gestured to our pjs. "Give us a few moments to change and then we can present exchange. I chuckled as almond wrapped his arm around my waist again. I finished eating my breakfast as I hand almond his plate and I walked into our room to change. as I walked out of the room, Madeleine was telling the children stories as almond peck me on the cheek and went to go change as well. as I watched creampuff and walnut opened the present they gave to each other. creampuff got a snow globe and walnut got a spy glass. they both seemed happy so I went to make some hot cocoa for everyone. Almond came out and sat on the couch as well. as I gave the hot cocoa to everyone. I sat next to almond and everyone started gifting each other, of course walnut opened the present me and almond gave to her and she was pretty excited. after everyone got there present, the doorbell ringed again. strange everyone already got here so who could that be? I opened the door to see a choir group. the group had angel cookie, pancake cookie, milk cookie, snow sugar cookie and moon rabbit cookie. "is creampuff here? we have to do the choir singing!" snow sugar said as almond looked back on creampuff who was currently sitting on the couch. creampuff was already wearing a similar uniform as they were so I nodded and creampuff looked at the doorway and waved. walnut looked back and also waved. I told creampuff that her choir group was looking for her. she and walnut said their goodbyes and went off to her group. they group thanked us and they left. walnut asked if she could go outside  and almond agreed. walnut quickly got dressed and went outside. then we heard some shouting in the living room and as expected, latte and espresso were fighting again. but this time it was about the cookies of darkness for some reason. "Guys what are you fighting about this time?" I asked as I spilt them up from each other. "We are debating if the cookie of darkness should stay in the kingdom or not." latte said as she crossed her arms and looked away from espresso. espresso responded. "We could get some very important information from them! plus they did work for dark enchantress cookie before so there is a chance we can possibly make them help us!" he said as latte yelled back. "They could be planning their betrayal on us right now! I'm sorry brother but I think we should kick them out! it's for our own safety" she said it seemed like there was going to be a whole war break out. so I decided to spoke up "Guys can we not fight please? it's Christmas and we should enjoy the holiday! plus ever since the cookie of darkness came. the cake hounds attack has decrease by a bit, meaning that they know that red velvet cookie is there. plus everyone else doesn't seem to mind and espresso I don't think pomegranate cookie is going to budge but we can see AFTER we get them to trust us. alright? now let's please stop fighting." I said while they stare at me. I sighed in frustration as I leave the living room and went to the kitchen where I saw almond reading newspaper, clearly here because he didn't want to get involved. I sat next to him, he looked at me and smiled. he put down the newspaper and spoke up. "so did they stop fighting?" he asked as I nodded and we both went back to the living room, Madeline apparently made them apologize and now we were going to watch a movie. I nodded as I pulled out my phone and called walnut. "detective walnut here!" she said in a confident tone. "Walnut when do you think you're going to be home?" I asked while almond went to the kitchen to make popcorn. "maybe around 6, I still want to stroll outside for a bit!" she said as I looked at the clock. it was already around 4. "Alright walnut just stay safe alright?" I said as she agreed and I hung up. almond came back with a popcorn bowl and put it on the table. Madeline was still deciding which movie and espresso and latte were making coffee. after everyone got their things. we sat down and watched the movie. latte randomly decided to watch while flying on her spoon but I didn't care. the movie was home alone 2. me and almond sat on the couch while espresso and Madeline sat on the floor. The couch was only for three people only and neither Madeline or espresso wanted to apart from each so we sat there enjoying the movie. halfway though the movie, walnut came in carrying a basket. due to walnut slamming the door open so harshly, latte fell off her spoon and everyone went to check if she was ok, which she was. after that everyone went home because it was getting late. me and almond cleaned up after the mess because latte spilled her drink and popcorn on the floor so that was a pain to clean up. walnut gave me the basket and went to take a bath. Almond got a call saying that there's been a robbery and he had to go. he gave me a kiss on the forehead and said goodbye. I waved as he close the door and I got walnut to bed. I went to me and almond room as I closed the door and sat on the bed. I stared at the basket she gave me and it said for me and almond to both open it. I placed the basket on a desk as I laid there staring at the ceiling. I eventually fell asleep.

(Hey everyone! here's a Christmas holiday special chapter! sorry I couldn't post this the actual day Christmas was but I hoped you like this chapter! anyways here's your bonus! -from your author Irene)

Almond pov

as I opened the door to me and rougefort room, I saw that they were asleep. I smiled as I quietly closed the door and went to change but when I came back, rougefort was awake and staring at the basket that walnut apparently gave us. "Rouge? I thought you were asleep?" I said as they quickly snapped out and looked as me. I sat on the bed and they quietly chuckled. "Ah I was asleep but then woke up. I was too curious on what was in the basket." they said as I softly smiled. "Well lets see what's inside of it shall we?" I said as I took the basket and took off the cloth that was covering what's was inside. to my surprised it was a photo frame that had a label "Best parents ever" and it was a photo that was when we went to the zoo. (I'll prob make a zoo chapter later who knows) rouge stared at the picture and smiled. I set it on the nightstand and as we both laid on the bed and cuddled each other. we enjoyed the comfortable silence as we drifted into the dreamland.

Walnut pov

I peeked open the door as I saw dad and mx rouge open the gift I got them. I saw that they both smiled and set the picture frame on the nightstand and I smiled. They liked it! of course I asked for help from avocado cookie and creampuff as I was struggling to find a present for them. I quietly sneaked into my room, pulled out my phone and started texting creampuff

walnut:They enjoyed it!

creampuff:I'm glad they did! see I told you they would enjoy whatever you give them! plus their your parents! anyways shouldn't you be in bed by now?

walnut:yeah but I had to sneak out to see there reaction

creampuff:oh ok lol I'm just staying on my phone for a bit more then I'm going to sleep.

walnut:lol ok btw why didn't you tell me you were in a choir group?

creampuff:i was too busy to tell you lol plus pancake forced me for some reason

walnut:Kk lol gtg sleep before dad and mx rougefort catches me awake

creampuff:alright goodnight lol

walnut:Goodnight :^

I set my phone done before charging and yawned. laid down on my bed thinking how awesome Christmas was. this was one of my favorite Christmas by far. I reached out to the snow globe creampuff gave to me and smiled. the snow globe was clearly handmade. the snow globe had me and creampuff standing together. I smiled as I shook the snow globe. it was a soft yellow snow globe and had snowflake patterns on the bottom. I looked at my alarm clock and saw that it was about 9 pm. I set the snow globe down as I snuggled in my blanket and slowly fell asleep.

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