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(have some rougefort angst, trust me the bonus is fluff ;w;) 

rougefort pov

As I opened my eyes, I saw that I was in a pitch black room, i sat up and looked around the room. what am I doing here? as I got up, I heard some whispering but It wasn't clear enough as I saw a random glow all of a sudden. I went closer to it. than I heard there whispers more clearly.  "its all your fault..." "why would you do that!?" "how selfish can you get!" I realized that the voices were yelling at me, the amount of work I put the poor detective in and... all the people that I stole from  as I tried to back away, but all of a sudden walnut appeared in front of me "stop right there you criminal!" she said as tackles me to the ground. I tried to get up but something was forcing me to stay down. as soon as walnut tackled me, almond appeared. "good job walnut now let's get this criminal in jail" he said with handcuffs in him hands "W-WHAT!?" I said trying to get free "that's right! you're going to be there for a LONG time." he said as he put the handcuffs on me. walnut got off me and forced me to get up and then almond told walnut to leave. "al-" I tried to say but then got cut off as soon as almond slapped me. "you have the right to remain silence." he said as we kept walking. I felt tears rolled down my cheeks, almond never behaved like this... I felt hurt but then at the same time I sorta deserve it. as we went to the prison, almond handed me to one of the guards and they threw me into one of the cells. they beat me up, insulted me and all other things including letting the prisoners do the same. I kept crying and crying, wanting this to be over... as I got up and went to the lunchroom. I grabbed a plate but then it was suddenly snatched from me as one of the guards respond "you won't be needing this. I'm sure you can survive a few days without food aye? plus it looks like you don't need anymore." the guard said as they walked away. I stood there in silence. man this place is the worst... I was suddenly pushed to the ground and I could feel someone putting there leg on me. "hey why not let us have some fun boys?" I heard a voice said as I felt my back gets crushed by there leg. as the rest were beating me up, I saw a new random guard glanced at me but then looked away and walked off. I felt more tears ran down as they kept beating me up. after they were done, I struggled to get into my cell, when I got there I laid down on the bed. after a few moments I struggled to breath a little. I shook it off but then it got worse... I. C.A.N.T. B.R.E.A.T.H...  I woke up, tears running down my cheeks and as I caught my breath, I looked around to see that I was still in my bedroom. I'm fine... I'm not in the prison... I let out a shaky sigh as I check my phone. 5:50.... I got up and went to the bathroom to washed off my face. as I finished washing my face I went to go dress up to plan my next robbery...


almond pov

As the alarm sounded to alert everyone, I and walnut started chasing rougefort throughout the town, but I noticed that rougefort movement were a bit shaky but I didn't pay no mind to it because I was focus on getting the jewel back. as we kept running, they turned into a alleyway and I followed. but when I saw them, he was shaking violently and was crying (rougefort is crying because they don't want to the dream to become real) me and walnut paused for a moment. why were they crying? as they kept trying to wipe there tears, I walked over to them carefully, not wanting them to be scared. as walnut stayed still. they kept sobbing even more as they tried to stop, at this point I was more then concerned so I made them faced me while holding one of there wrist. they looked shock but then tried to escaped. "rouegfort..." I said as I gripped on there wrist even more. they finally gave up but that didn't stop the tears flowing from his face. walnut finally snapped out of it and then she suggested that we let them into our home before explaining, as we lead rougefort to our house, they looked down guilty as we walked. when we got to our home, I opened the door and let them in, as we all sat down and I got us some hot chocolate, we all stayed silent for a moment before I spoke up. "so what happened over there?" I asked as rougefort stopped staring at the ground and let out a shaky sigh. "t-this might seem stupid but.." he started to slowly explain his dream, tearing up when he got to the part where is send him to prison. I felt my blood boiling as he got to the bullying part. more tears fell out as they kept explaining. after they finished explaining, walnut hugged and dragged him to her room as I sipped on the hot chocolate I made. as I went into walnut room I saw that rougefort was currently petting constable whisker and listening to walnut ramble on random things. rougefort was clearly interested so he listened. I closed the door to let them have there own moment and work on a few other cases of my own

~random timeskip~

As I finish with one last case I noticed that I needed to put walnut to sleep, as I got up and went to her room, I saw that rougefort was reading walnut a story. as I walked over and sat on the bed. they glanced back on me. "hey detective!" they said, sounding much happier they were before. I smiled and said "so you put walnut back to bed?" I said while glancing at walnut sleeping peacefully. "mhm! thought I would put her to bed for you since you also seemed awfully tired. they chuckled as I feel my smile spread even more. "hey its not like being a detective is easy!" I said as I put a arm around rougefort "lets go before we wake up walnut." they said as they chuckled. we both went out of the room, went to my room, sat on the bed and then we talked about some things. after a moment rougefort yawned and I chuckled "tired?" I asked stroking rougefort hair. "mhm..." they said as they laid on top of my lap. I was a bit flustered but contained stroking there hair, then I heard some soft snoring, I smiled then cuddled with him, it felt peaceful, I hoped it stay this way forever...

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