Chapter 5

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Blue's POV
So, as you recall in this book-




So as you recall from this morning and afternoon, me and Lyna trained with Bennett and Kaeya while Crimson was training with Sucrose.

But we also found a domain in the forest when I was burning it down.

And thanks to my curiosity I wanted to go check it out.

"Lyna? you awake?" I ask silently

"Yeah?" she responds removing the covers from her head to reveal she didn't sleep

"You wanna go check out that domain we found in the forest before I unfortunately burned it down?" I ask

"Uhh... sure I guess" she responds

I decided not to tell Crimson since we've done this a lot so I feel like he would understand and cover for us if Jean asks where we went.

We snuck out through the window and unfortunately I fell to the ground, Lyna just landed on her feet.

We head up the wall and went to the forest 'til we found the Domain.

I then heard a noise behind us, then I thought it was a boar or something.

I was then starting to get hungry for a specific kind of meat, so we went inside hoping to find it.

"This domain really is big" Lyna says

"You think?" I respond

We continue in and find some monsters, only for them to find out the only thing they get is their demise.

Which then we continue to find some treasure hoarders.

"Blue, I know what your thinking but please warn me first?" she asks

"alright alright" I respond

These treasure hoarders were pretty easy to defeat... but I was hungry.

"Yeah I'm out" Lyna said knowing what's gonna happen and goes outside the room we were in.

I chopped, boiled, and store the meat in my inventory or so we call here bag.

But as I turned around, I saw more treasure hoarders were there.

"Either y'all get out or you're gonna be next" I threatened 

Them having 0 common sense and IQ they started attacking me, so I had no choice but to defeat them too.

I already had enough meat so I left them.

I walk out only to find someone tied up with Lyna using her magic on her, I assume she's trying to erase her memories of what just happened. 

"Oh hi" Lyna says while transferring to the person and using a- what the heck is that on.. Rosaria?

"She saw what happened, didn't she?" I ask while looking at Rosaria 

"Mhm, so I had to tie her up and knock her out" Lyna responds in Monotone

"Reasonable" was all I could say

"I also turned on Monotone, so everything is a little easier" she added on

We walk out and go back to Mondstadt and untie the person by Mondstadt's Church.

We flew back in the window to find Crimson looking through his phone.

-Timeskip to morning-

Me and Lyna weren't really tired since it's pretty normal for us to sleep late.

"Blue, Lyna," Jean called

"Yeah?" Lyna answered

"Some guards have reported you two sneaking out at night" Jean says

"Oh... really...?" we ask AT THE SAME TIME

"OH COME ON!" Lyna shouts


"Umm..." Jean says clearly confused

"Again, it's normal" Crimson responds while facepalming

"*sigh* anyways" I say

"Ahem, what were you both doing out late at night?" Jean asks

"We just went out for meat" I respond

"We should probably get going, I'm getting hungry" Lyna says

"But I thought you went out to scout for meat" Jean says

I elbowed Lyna's arm.

"Umm... I mean fruits... like Sunsettia's" Lyna says

I gave her a look and she understood what I meant.

"We'll be on our way now" Crimson said breaking the silence and dragging us out with him knowing what was happening.

"BRO WE CAN WALK-" Lyna shouts

"Well I had to get you both out somehow" Crimson responds

"And this is why you're my brother" I say

We went out heading for Good hunter. 

I remember how Lyna promised Bennett we would go on an adventure today, so I guess we're gonna have to wait for Bennett now.

(659 words)

(Written by: Blue)

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