Mini Chapter: Happy Birthday Demonika

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Elizabeth's pov🍦

. . . I feel like I'm missing something. . . Hmm wait!

03/06/XXXX Demonika's birthday is in 3 days! I almost forgot.

I need to contact the others!

Ever since I got another vessel I've been living with Nika and her family.

Their conversation

Hey Neon are you busy?>🍦

🐰<No? Why?

Today's 03/06/XXXX>🍦


10 more days till Nika's birthday!>🍦

🐰<I thought her birthday was 13/07

No! It's 13/06>🍦

🐰<I almost forgot! Thanks for
reminding me.

🐰<Also why me out of everyone?

Well you're pretty likeable>🍦

And I've done some research on>🍦
everyone's world and found out that
your boss's a former DJ maybe he

can help.

🐰<Doubt it.

🐰<I've never told anyone about the
whole other world thing

🐰<Plus Do you even know what
happened before he quit?

No. I didn't dig that deep.>🍦

🐰<Do you wanna know?


🐰<Well you see he was actually
an ultimate DJ a former holder of
the ultimate record to.


Why would he quit from an>🍦
amazing life.

🐰<There is more any way

🐰<He had a younger brother. Goes by
Lyte or Lucas. Anyway Vinyl let him
have a show at his club.

He's a good brother.>🍦

🐰<On the night of Lyte's show during
the end an explosion happened.

Oh my>🍦

🐰<DJ X attacked them.

Aw man right at the end.>🍦

🐰<At least DJ Clover didn't crushed
them with a train.

Say what now?>🍦

🐰<Anyways~they tried to save as many
people as they could but while Lyte's
was escaping. DJ X got him, focusing
Vinyl sacrificing him self to saved
him, getting a direct hit from the


🐰<You good? Cause that's not it.

There's more!?>🍦

🐰<I mean if he died he won't be my


🐰<Anyway he got a coma for about
5 months or more. IDK

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