Mini Chapter : Pride Month Special

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Neon's pov🐰

"Please can we celebrate pride month Nika?" I asked.

"Sure. . .  What's pride month?" She asked.

"A month, typically June, dedicated to celebration and commemoration of people who like the same gender as them, basically being themselves."

"People aren't themselves!?" Nika asked with a (⁠・⁠o⁠・⁠) face.

"Yes think about the colours." I said.

"Think about the rainbows."

"Think about the homos!"

"Think about Jeff who's an ace in the hole! He doesn't even know he is!"

"A what now?" Jeff said in the background.

"Think about Lizzie who's still questioning." I said.

"Are you calling me dumb!? You're the dropout here!" Elizabeth said reading a colleague text book she got from somewhere.

"Not that questioning!" I said.

"Think about the rainbows Nika, think about the rainbows."

"Ok let's celebrate pride month!" Nika said putting her arms up.


"Himi get the flags! I'll get the paint!" I ran off.

"Come on Yato-kun." She said dragging Ayato by the shirt collar.

"Please don't drag me. . ."

"What the F*ck is an ace in the hole?" Jeff asked.

Elizabeth can be seen in front of a conspiracy board with the words \Who's Ace and why are they in a hole?/ And \how is he related to Jeff?/

Time skip brought to you by Neon making pride plushies

Still Neon's pov 🐰

Everyone is now standing in a room where me, Himi and Yato create for pride month.

There are plushies, painting supplies, sweets, the history of pride month for Lizzie and of course flags.

"How did you 3 put all this together in a few hours!?"


Nah we planned ahead of.

"Come on!"

Most of the things we do are art related.

Now it's time.

For the parade.

"Let's go!" I said giving Jeff a mask.

"Where-? Whoa!?" Ayato already made a portal and pushed everyone in.

We landed on a building.

"I did some scouting this is the best spot to watch the parade." Ayato said.

Long story short it was fun.

Jeff finally has an excuse on why he doesn't show affection, ace in a hole.

Yeah ever after every thing Lizzie's still questioning her identity.















And that's a wrap for this part of the mini series.

Wow this is short.

Don't blame me for it, I didn't plan on making this before my friend suggested it.

Before you make any assumptions no I'm not shipping any of the main cast.

Just to make it clear all their relationships are protonic, NOT ROMANTIC.

No one is getting into a relationship.

Unless you want to make a fanfic about my AU and ship them, then that's fine.

But please remember that this isn't a ship book.

If you want here's the main cast sexualities or you can visit the headcannons chapter if you want more info.

Neon is Bisexual, same with Himiko and Ayato.

Demonika is pansexual.

Lizzie doesn't know about her yet since she's a child, but I'm planning on making her asexual or pan or maybe even lesbian.

And Jeff is aroace.

Of course you can do whatever you want since I'm just making crossovers.

But please remember that this is my book so it's my rules.

Now that that's out of the way thank you for reading.

I'll see you in the next chapter or mini chapter.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 30 ⏰

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