Mini Series: Clockwork Plushies (part 1)

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Neon's pov🐰

"What am I missing?"

"Child. . ."

"Can you stop calling me child? I'm an adult for Luni's sake."

"You're a child compared to me. . ."

"Ok then. . . Old man."

"Thank you- . . . Hey!?"

"But seriously, what am I missing?"

"Considering it's a plushie you can try adding something. . . Cause right now it looks like a body pillow."

"Umm. . ."

"Maybe a building or a-"


"Excuse me?"

"I said cat."

"Why would you-!? That doesn't make any sense!? Cats aren't that shaped."

"When do things make sense around here?" I asked.

"Okay true. . . But why a cat?"



"Cats are liquid so they can be long boi and long girls."

"That's one way to say it. . ."


"You've been with that ginger kid way too much. . ."

"Elizabeth, her name is Elizabeth."

"Well back to-"

"Get over here plushie you're becoming a long cat!"

"I am so concerned for your well-being right now."

"Long cat! Long cat! Long cat! Long cat! Long cat!" I chanted.

"Are you trying to summon some sort of long cat or something?"

"Long cat! Long cat! Long cat! Long cat! Long cat!" Nika joined.

"When did she get here!?"

"Long cat! Long cat! Long cat! Long cat! Long cat!" Lizzie joined.

"You know what I won't even bother. . ."

"Praise the longest cat!"

"I need to get you therapy."

"Join us!" I said.

"No thank you. . ."

"But long cat. . ."

*Insert a lot of laughing sounds*

"W-what was th-at!?" Jeff asked in between laughter.

"All hail the longest cat!" Himiko joined in.

"Uhh yes it's me again. . . Yes I'm scheduling for myself. . . Great can it be tomorrow. . ? Oh that's 4 of my friends are saying something about long cats it's like they're in a cult or something. . . No I'm not scheduling for them. . . Ok see you tomorrow." Ayato said over his phone.

"Ok when did you all get here? Nika makes sense, she lives here." I asked.

"When we heard you say long cat." Lizzie answered.

"Ayato-kun what are you doing?" Himiko asked.

"Scheduling a therapy session for myself."

"Ok what were you doing before this?" Jeff asked.

"Making a plushie that looks like a body pillow and then I got the idea to make it a cat." I said.

"So that's where it came from. Well continue I have some boars to kill." Jeff said walking out.

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