~Chapter two~

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The first night seems uneventful as far as the new girl is concerned...

(YN): Can i just pretend that this day never happened? I just want to go to sleep. I can't wait to go fencing tomorrow.

I hear a know on the door.

(Who could that be? It's almost midnight, and...)

(YN): I'm coming! I'm coming!

Irene: Surprise! Are you happy to see me?

(YN): No, I'm not surpised. Neither am I happy to see you.

(Oh, no. Someone help me.)

(YN): You do realize that you're just in the next room...?

Irene: but I missed you so much! Can I come inside?

(Now, she wants to come inside. There go my chances of falling asleep.)

(YN): Do I have a choice? Sure. Step in and-

Without waiting for me to finish, Irene elbows her way past mer.

Irene: Of course you should let me inside. I'm your future wife. Ooooh. Look at your room It's so pretty!

(YN): Uh, thanks...I guess. I do my best to keep it organized.

Irene: Ooooh. What's this? And this? And this?

(YN): Don't touch anything, okay? I don't want you breaking stuff.

Too late. Irene touches my appliances, my books my posters... Anything she can get her hands on.

(YN): *sigh* Are you finished? Please tell me you're finished.

Irene: Yes, I am. Are you ready to go to sleep?

(YN): I was ready when you knocked.

Irene: Great! Let's sleep.

Irene jumps on my bed and lays there like an excited kid.

(YN): HEy, hey, hey. You got your own room. Sleep there.

Irene: But I'm not used to sleeping all by myself, (YN). In Elfandia, I sleep with servants just incase I get nightmares.

(YN): Sounds likea rich people problem to me. Look. You're not in Elfandia anymore. Your servant aren't here anymore. It's time to grow up. Get back to your room. Now.

I hear a sound like it's coming from a pig's grumbling stomach. Irene is already asleep. And she is snoring.

(Great. I have a spoiled brat in my room.)

I sit on the bed and take Irene's shoulders.

(YN): Hey, wake up. You can't sleep here. Wake up!

I shake her roughly. She doesn't seem to be opening her eyes.

(YN): Wow, you're still snoring. What kind of sleep are you having? It's the deepest sleep I've ever seen. Or heard.

I try to shake her awake one last time. She still snores.

(YN): Nope. She's not waking up. I surrender.

Left with no choice, I lay in bed.

Irene: Ugh...

(YN): Huh? Did you say something?

Irene: Ugh...Ugh...

(YN): What's wrong? Does something hurt? Tell me, quick.

Irene: Not...right...there...It...tickles...

(YN): Oh, Boy. Are you talking in your sleep, Irene?

(MY ELF GIRLFRIEND!) _Malereader x elf girlsWhere stories live. Discover now