Chapter 7

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Hi guys!
Took a loooooong break but Im back now hoping to give you something you will love. Don't forget to vote and comment

I woke up very early on  Saturday morning to do a little cleaning and then head to the Sina's.
My sister asked me to stay at home and then wait for my parents who are coming over because of my grandma.
I has to look for food for my step Grand pa too. Oops I forgot to mention him earlier, my bad.

He's one man I didn't really like but had not so much of a choice.
Grandma had been divorced for a while . We moved to stay in our current apartment alone . We were happy and content. We used to sleep in the same room until one day, a man came to the house and never left.
He had particularly been one hell of a thorn. Did nothing to help with bills and other expenses, yet enjoyed the most of my grandma's labour.

I saw him cheat so many times on my grandma but could never gather the courage to tell her. I could only tell my sister .
He never really cared about anyone and came home drunk most of the time. I learnt how to cook a lot of meals because he had to meet food anytime he came home

When there was none, he'll threaten to stop giving me money for school.
He always came back after midnight looking very rough but calm and with a bloodshot eye from alcohol and constant smoking.
I had to wake up from my sleep to serve him his food.
I was scared of what he could do to me . He always got angry when I brought a fried to the house.
I had to start sleeping at Sina's house at night and then come home during the day.
He wouldnt hear of it but I had to, for my own safety.
  He would always report me to the next person he would talk to.
Food wasn't regular anymore. I did it when I could and when he would give me money. He complained yet I didn't change.
He gradually came home less.
He acted concerned when all the family members were around yet genuinely, he didn't really care.
One of the days, I heard him telling a lady that they should meet and play for a while. The next call was to my grandma's work place, asking for money to pay medical and hospital bills for the hospital has never been to and the medicine he has never bought.
My dislike for him grew much worse then, though I still did what I was to do.
He was home on the Saturday and I had to do my usual and then go to Sina's place to ask for things that I had missed at school while I wait for my parents.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2021 ⏰

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