War Record #1: False Peace, The Time Of Awakening

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The white-silver haired young man got up from his bed with a yawn as he went to go change into his clothes. After that, he made himself a sandwich which had a sunny side egg with bacon and cheese before he takes it with him and starts to head off to meet a certain brown-haired boy with purple eyes and had a robot bird for his pet.

Even now, while Heliopolis is his home, Luka didn't feel like he was really at home. Why? Because not only was he an orphan, he had no recollection of his past. Despite this, he somehow remembers on how to pilot a Mobile Suit with ease. Everyday was filled with more questions, and he barely had an answer. But now....this is only the beginning. The beginning of a young man's journey of trying to recover pieces of his past in this bloody world.


The colony was bustling, children were playing, and people were out and about while buying things. It was peaceful for the most part.

"Ugh...this workload's soooo frustrating." Our main hero, Luka Animus grumbled as he typed. The brown-haired teen beside him, Kira Yamato, nodded in agreement.

"Yeah. And I don't think we'll be getting any paid grades anytime soon."

"If that's even a thing."

The two were currently trying to calibrate the codes for the hydraulic pumps and control mechanisms. Normally, any normal person would stress out from this kind of work, but for Luka and Kira? It was natural.

'It still sucks though...' The boys mentally groaned. They were working their behinds off trying to get everything done while they watched the news as it showed ZAFT attacking the Kaohsiung Space Port in Taiwan.

'Makes me wonder when this war will ever end...' Luka wondered. Before he could continue his thoughts, their friends called out his and Kira's names.

"Kira! Luka!"

It was then Tolle Koenig and Miriallia Haw made themselves known. They were wearing casual attire, with Tolle wearing similar clothing to Luka's, only difference Luka was wearing a white buttoned up shirt with the top button undone, underneath, he also wore a red vest. When he saw what Miriallia was wearing, he averted his eyes away by looking at his own screen trying to finish his work.

"So, this is where you guys have been hanging out, Professor Kato's been trying to get you." Tolle said as Kira and Luka let out sighs of displeasure.


"Too much," Kira began as he set his laptop next to Luka's on the same table, pouring over notes. "I haven't even finished the stuff he gave me yesterday." He said while laying his back against the chair. Luka took this chance to cheer him up.

"Chin up, bud. We both share the same workload, all we gotta do is calibrate these codes and bam, we're done!" Luka emphasized with the finger gun motion. Miriallia giggled at his humor. While Kira and the others don't know it yet, Luka and Miriallia had a crush on each other, the funny part? Those two don't even know!

"Some development in the news?" Tolle asked as he looked at Kira's computer. Kira nodded as GINNs attack mobile armors and tanks.

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