War Record #2: The Power Called GUNDAM

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"Get behind the seat." Murrue told Kira as she strapped herself into the seat. "We can try to save this one. As for the Unicorn...I'm not sure."

Unicorn. Kira could have sworn he had heard that name during a class lesson before, but thinking would have to wait.

«Welcome to M•O•S»
/// Version NV8 — NO99 ///
Oppose Military & Neutralize Invasion Enforcer
O.M.N.I. Enforcer
Neuro -Link
D ispersive
A utonomic
M aneuver
Synthesis System

"Gun...dam...?" Kira muttered as the grey Mobile Suit slowly stood up while its eyes glowed, ready for its first battle.

«Invoke by T.M Revolution»

Birdy is seen flying in space as ship wreckage along with a flower crown of sorts floats by as the little mechanical bird flies past the viewers briefly until Strike appears as it uses its shield to block missiles before shooting at the enemies as the camera shows Unicorn turning into its Destroy Mode before the title appears as both Gundams appear beside each other with Strike aiming its rifle while Unicorn had its Beam Saber and I-Field Shield out.

«機動戦士ガンダムSEED: 可能性の少年»

«When we pass by each other in haste...»

In a torn battleground, Kira, Athrun and Luka in their pilot suits were each holding their helmets with Luka looking at the viewers with a determined glare.
«...we collide and hurt one another.»

Murrue is seen with her hand holding the back of her hair possibly from the wind while Natarle looks back before the next scene shows Mu La Flaga and Rau Le Creuset.

«We feel the pain in each other's wings.»

Two scenes show Yzak who grinned while the Duel was fighting and Dearka who clenched his fist as the Buster fires its beam weapon. Nicol is also seen sitting with his arm on his leg while the Blitz was engaging in combat.

«I held you in my arms, full of loneliness...»

Athrun is seen with his arm outward as the Aegis changes from its MA Form to its MS Form before the last three scenes show Celia who was in a maid uniform and had her hands clasped together near her dress as the Penelope was seen firing its rifle before bringing out its Beam Saber to slash at the enemy before the other scene shows Shen who sent a kiss towards the viewers as her Ventorus generates a Psycho-Field around itself and Nox who had his right hand clenching into a fist as he grinned with an ambitious smirk as his Silver Bullet brought out its Beam Sabers to fight against the Strike and Unicorn Destroy Mode.

«...because I didn't know anything else...»

In the background, a certain winged Gundam with its wings shining is seen while Kira and Lacus are about to embrace despite their silhouettes being naked before the scene shows Unicorn in both its normal form and Destroy Mode as Luka who was crying was hugged by Miriallia and Cagalli who had smiles of comfort as they hugged him from the front and behind.

Mobile Suit Gundam SEED: Boy Of PossibilityWhere stories live. Discover now