Chapter Two: Feelings

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A few days later, Evie went to talk to Carlos about her feelings for Mal, unsure who else she could trust with the information. "Carlos, what I'm going to tell you is something that you can't tell anyone else, got it?" She asked him. "Yeah, loud and clear," he replied. "I have feelings for someone, but I'm scared to tell her," Evie said. "Why?" He asked. "Because she's already been in a relationship recently, and it wasn't exactly the best sort of relationship," Evie replied. "You have feelings for Mal, don't you?" He asked. "How'd you know?" She asked him. "Just guessing," he replied. "The problem is, I don't know how to tell her how I feel yet," Evie said. "Don't worry, you can figure it out. You're great at that sort of thing," Carlos said. "Thanks for the compliment, Carlos," Evie said, leaving for a meeting with Ben.

Not even five minutes after she left, Mal came into the room to talk to Carlos about her feelings for Evie. "Carlos, I really need to talk to you, but you can't tell anyone what I'm gonna tell you," she told Carlos, who nodded. "See, I have feelings for Evie, but I don't know how to tell her, since she just broke up with Doug. The thing is, she makes me feel better about stuff when I'm with her," she said. "Okay. I know that you're not the best at admitting how you feel about people. All I can really tell you is try and get closer to her by spending time with her," Carlos said. Mal thanked him for his help and left the room.

"I understand that feeling all too well. I felt terrible when Mal told me that she couldn't be with me anymore because my inner beast broke out unpredictably. Still, this is probably for the best. I think that once you both tell each other how you feel, you'll be inseparable," Ben told Evie. "I totally agree with you, Ben. We just have to be able to tell each other how we feel," Evie said, as Mal walked into the room. "I... I can come back later..." Mal said, blushing bright red, moving to back out of the room. "No, it's okay. You don't have to go just because I'm here," Evie said, gently but firmly grasping Mal's arm. "If you're sure... I guess I can stay here..." Mal said. "So, how much did you hear?" Evie asked. "I heard enough to know that you're in love with me," Mal replied casually. "You're not... bothered by it?" Evie asked her in disbelief. "No... Truth be told, I'm in love with you too," Mal said. "You are?" Evie asked quietly. "Yeah. When I kissed you the other day, I felt like it was right, like we were meant for each other," Mal said, gaining a bit of confidence back. "I felt the same way, Mal," Evie replied, smiling brightly. Mal walked over to Evie and laid her head on her shoulder, and Evie began gently running her hand through Mal's lavender hair. "Mmm... that feels nice," Mal sighed happily, closing her eyes. "You two look like you're made for each other. I hope that you guys are happy together," Ben commented. "Thanks. I think we will be very happy together," Evie replied, and she left the room with Mal a few minutes later.

Over the following weeks, Mal and Evie made their relationship official, but Evie couldn't help but notice that Mal still wasn't the same Mal that she knew. She didn't want to upset Mal by bringing it up, but at the same time, she knew that it had to be addressed. Evie decided that, to make it a little easier for the both of them, she'd ask Mal out on a date. "Hey sweetie. Wanna go out?" She asked Mal one day. "Sure. When do you want to go out?" Mal asked her. "How about right now?" Evie asked her. Mal agreed, and they went to the enchanted lake. "M, I know that it's been hard, trying to go back to the girl you were before Cotillion, but I thought you'd be more open with me about stuff by now," Evie said. "It's just, I really had to be aware of what I said when I was with Ben, and I'm still trying to get used to speaking my mind again," Mal replied a bit sadly. "It's okay, I understand. It's nothing to be sad about," Evie said, hugging her. Mal returned the hug after a few seconds, managing to smile slightly. She looked at Evie, and she smiled a little wider. "I don't know if anyone's told you this before, but you have a beautiful smile," Evie said. "Most people think that when I smile, it makes me look like I'm up to something... you know... bad," Mal replied. "Well, then it's a good thing that I'm not most people," Evie said, lightly pecking Mal's cheek. "Oh, come on, you can do so much better than that," Mal said, flashing Evie her most devious smile. "Then come here, you," Evie said, pulling her girlfriend into a deep kiss, inadvertently pulling Mal on top of her. Mal broke the kiss and giggled. "Well, this is definitely an... interesting turn of events," she said. "You're telling me," Evie replied.

After their date, Evie and Mal decided to snuggle in Evie's bed in their dorm. "This is nice, just snuggling together like this," Mal said. "I agree," Evie replied. Mal shifted a little bit to be more comfortable, beginning to daydream. "What're you thinking about, M?" Evie asked. "Just thinking about us. What our relationship might look like in the future," Mal said. "Well, no matter what, we'll have each other. I want you to remember that," Evie said. "Oh, trust me, I'll never forget it," Mal replied, smiling at Evie.


Until next time!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2023 ⏰

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