Chapter 20

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I step inside the apartment and hear the lock click. I sense Chase coming up behind me. The energy in the room is electrifying. The fact that we have the space to ourselves only amplifies everything tenfold.

Everything that has been growing between us is bubbling to the surface. It's like a volcano about to erupt. I am giddy with anticipation for what is about to happen with Chase as I feel his chest connect with my back.

His fingertips blaze a scorching trail up my arms as he slowly drags his hands from my wrists up to my shoulders. My breathing hitches, and I feel his chest behind me rise and fall rapidly. My eyes slowly close as my head falls back onto his shoulder. He lets his hands continue their exploration of my arms slowly sensually, and I feel like a spring that's wound far too tight, about to snap at any moment.

His fingers reach my shoulder again, and instead of continuing back down toward my wrist, they move across my chest, slowly tracing my exposed collar bone. An airy whimper escapes my lips, and I press myself further into him, daring him to snap first as he continues his sultry assault on my skin.

Just when I reach my limit, where I feel my resolve about to snap, he grabs my shoulders and quickly spins me around to face him. I can barely register what is happening as his lips collide with mine, desperate and needy. My arms wind around his neck, forcing our bodies even closer together, pulling his face closer to my own, deepening the kiss. As our tongues wrestle for dominance, one of his hands winds into my hair, pulling slightly and eliciting a loud moan from my mouth.

His responding growl causes my knees to go weak and sends a wave of heat coursing between my legs. My breath shudders as I feel him push my back roughly against the wall. The hand that was wound in my hair starts traveling down my body, grazing my hardened nipple as it slowly traverses lower, lower, lower until he reaches the band of my pants. He teases one finger just inside the top of my jeans and slowly slides his hand around my waist until he reaches my back.

Suddenly, both hands are gripping behind my thighs through my jeans, moving upward until firmly grasping my ass and lifting me up, forcing my legs to wrap around his waist. I nip his lip and continue exploring his mouth with my tongue, groaning as he presses himself further against me. I can feel his length between my legs, long and rock hard.

He rolls his hips, and I drag my nails down his chest then his abs, slowly working their way around to his back. He moans his approval into my mouth as I rock my hips further into his. My hands slide further around his body, nails digging deeper into his skin over the top of his shirt. We're so lost in each other that we don't even stop to breathe.

All of a sudden, he lets out a strangled cry of pain as my hands find the large area of his torso that was slammed into the boards earlier tonight, nails releasing from where they had just been digging into his skin. And just like that, the spell is broken.

Our lips break apart, both of us panting, trying to catch our breath. Chase sets his forehead against mine, eyes still closed, reeling from our heavy make-out session. His hot breath blankets my lips as he whispers, "Fuck."

I lick my lips and steady my hands on his shoulders, careful to stay away from his injured side. "Are you okay?"

His eyes shoot open to meet my own. "I'm good. So good."

"But, your side. Doesn't it hurt?"

"I'll live. Now, where were we?" He moves closer, trying to pick up where we left off seconds ago.

I pull away, denying him my lips as I slowly release myself from his hold and slide my feet back to the floor. "Let me see."

He whines in protest, placing both hands against the wall behind me, trapping me between the wall and his hard body. "Lins, I'm fine, really. You just surprised me, is all."

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