Chapter 48

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It's game day! And by that, I don't just mean any game day. It's the game day- the day we play for the championship. I almost can't believe we made it. We had a long road getting here, but here we are about to play the game of our lives. The Cobras have come close to making it to this point before, but in the five years I've been a part of the team, this is our first year pulling it off.

This game is huge. All the boys are pumped up and ready to go out there and show everyone what we're capable of. It's not lost on me how important this win would be to the team, the fans, and the owners- but no matter what the outcome is today, I feel like I've won either way.

I got the girl- my girl! And I have finally figured out what I want to surprise her with. After today's game, I'm going to show her how important she is to me, how excited I am to have her in my life, and how amazing the next several months will be when we have all the time in the world together. I can't wait!

The crowd is amped up. Our fans are already going wild. We can hear it in the locker room. Coach told us the arena is absolutely packed. The chants and cheers are deafening, even through the walls. We're about to go out there and play our best game yet. I can feel it. The team from Dallas is good, but something in my bones is telling me that today is our day.

Coach goes through our game plan one more time. Then, he tells us how proud he is of all of us before we finish up our pregame ritual. We all stand and look around at one another. We know what we have to do. Now's the time. Everyone starts making their way to the ice, and I can feel the adrenaline pumping.

As I circle around the rink, I look into the stands and see Lins. She looks as beautiful as ever, and I can't help the surge of pride that runs through me seeing her sitting there wearing my jersey. She smiles at me, and I skate closer to the glass. When I'm close enough to know she'll see exactly what I do, I mouth 'I love you' to her. That gorgeous smile grows even wider as she mouths the words back to me.

As I read those words on her lips, a warmth spreads through my veins. How did I get so lucky? A voice snaps me from my reverie.

"Hey, Cap, stop your daydreaming. She'll still be there when we win this thing."

I look over and see Rob smirking at me. I give him a friendly shove. "Don't be jealous, Robbie."

He laughs. "I can't help it. You've got yourself a helluva woman. Just wanna make sure your head's in the game."

I understand where he's coming from, but my team has nothing to worry about. I want to win this so badly. And when we win, I'll dedicate my performance to my girl! "All good here, Robbie. Don't you worry."

I send him my most confident smile, and we skate toward the rest of the team to finish our warm-up.





As Chase skates away from our section, Mel starts swooning over our little display of affection. Not gonna lie- it makes me feel good that other people can see and feel the love we have for one another. While Mel continues to gush over how cute Chase and I are, Taylor sends me a knowing look and squeezes my hand.

She's been there through it all. Tay's seen our ups and downs and helped us through the worst of it. Before Chase and I even got started, she was our biggest supporter. Her encouragement helped get us to where we are today. I've never been so lucky in love or friendship as I have been since moving to the city. The life I have here is beyond any of my wildest dreams.

I look out into the rink and see our team finishing up their warm-up. They all look ready to take on their opponents. Their eyes are full of determination, and they're all dripping with confidence. As I look at each team member, I see the same fierceness in each of them. They all want this so badly.

My eyes are drawn like magnets to one man in particular- their leader, their captain, my love. He looks incredible out there, even just warming up. Knowing everything he's been through to make it to this point- everything we've been through- makes this moment so much more important. I know how much it would mean to him to get this win, to be named the champions. I hope they can pull it off today.

It's down to the last few seconds before the puck drops, and I can't help but hold my breath.

Here it comes...


The game is intense. Everybody in the crowd has been on the edge of their seats the entire time. Both teams seem to be evenly matched. Just when we think our boys have gained the upper hand, Dallas swoops in and blocks them. And when we fear Dallas is going to outshine us, our boys come back hard and heavy.

By the end of the first period, neither team had scored. At the end of the second, it was tied 1-1. The goalie for the other team is just as skilled as Damien. He's been putting in some serious work out there today, but so has the guy from Dallas. They've been blocking shot after shot, and I have no idea which team will end up getting the win in the end. Right now, it's too hard to guess.

There are only five minutes left in the third period. Dallas just scored again, taking the lead 2-1. Mel and Tay are both holding my hands, gripping each other tightly, trying not to hold our breath. This game is almost too much. I can't look away, but I want to. What if they don't win? They'll be so disappointed. It would break my heart for them.

One minute left. I'm squeezing Mel and Tay's hands so tight; I'm not sure if they still have circulation. And I think I stopped breathing.

Thirty-five seconds left. Holy shit, they're running out of time! The Cobras gain control of the puck. Liam is racing down to the Dallas net.

Thirty seconds. He passes the puck to T.J.- he doesn't have a shot. T.J. sends it to Chase. A defender from the other team is in his way. He can't sink the shot. He shoots the puck to Liam.

Ten seconds. Liam slams the puck toward the net. Time slows down. The crowd is silent. Time is ticking away. The goalie reaches for the puck...

He misses! The puck hits the back of the net, flying just over the goalie's glove. The buzzer sounds! Goal for New York! Liam tied up the game 2-2. They're going into overtime.

I finally let out a breath. Taylor must have done the same. I hear her breathy voice just barely. "Holy fucking shit! That was insane!"

The next goal wins the cup. As overtime starts, I can tell all of the boys are exhausted. I hope they have enough in the tank to power through. Three and a half minutes in, Damien has blocked several more shots from Dallas. He looks wiped, though. The fans are cheering for their respective teams. No matter the outcome, half of this arena is going to be disappointed.

We gain control of the puck again. The overtime period is ticking away. T.J. has the puck. He takes a shot. It just misses the mark. Chase swoops in for another try. He shoots, and the whole crowd is on their feet.

The puck narrowly slides through the goalie's pads and across the goal line. The buzzer sounds, and with that, the game is over. The Cobras are the new champions! They've won the cup!  


Only a couple chapters left in book 1. Leave a comment here if you have any predictions about Chase's surprise for Lindsey. Also, with so few chapters left, any burning questions you need answered? Let me know here  :)

And as always, enjoy!

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