Chapter 38

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I am all packed and ready for our trip to visit my parents. Since the day they dropped me off, I haven't seen them. I've talked to them over the phone several times, and we've been able to catch up, but I'm excited to get to see them in person.

Liam talked to mom the other day to let her know about the team's free weekend and make sure both her and my dad would be around so we could come up and visit. She was ecstatic to hear that we were coming. We made sure she and dad were okay with Chase coming with us for the weekend. She said he was always welcome.

I haven't told her or my dad that Chase and I are dating yet. That's a conversation I want to have in person. I know Chase is nervous about telling them- well, mostly my dad- but I know they'll be happy for us. They always say, as long as Liam and I are happy, they will support us in whatever we do.

And I am very happy with Chase. Ever since that disaster with Val got cleared up, things between us have only gotten better. We communicate clearly with each other now and don't let things fester. Our connection has deepened tenfold, and I feel myself falling for him more and more every day.

I hear a soft knock on the doorframe and turn to see Liam standing just outside the threshold. "Hey, are your bags packed? I just picked up the car and wanted to start loading things up."

"Yeah, everything is right here." I show him the stash of mine and Chase's bags at the end of the bed.

He grabs my backpack and slings it over one shoulder, then picks up both my suitcase and Chases with one hand and lugs everything out to the rental car. When he comes back upstairs, he makes sure we have everything we need for the weekend loaded up before checking the time.

There's a home game tonight, and Liam, Chase, and I will head Upstate straight from the arena. We want to get as much time in with the family as we can this weekend. I feel bad that Taylor can't come with us, but she told me not to worry about it; she says she'll keep herself entertained while we're gone. It's only a few days, after all.


The guys kicked ass in the game earlier. They beat the opposing team 4-2. All the extra practice T.J. has been doing really showed tonight. He scored three out of the four goals in the game. The guy looked like he had something to prove out there on the ice- even Taylor seemed impressed.

After the game, Taylor and I waited for the guys to get cleaned up and ready to go. Once they were ready, we said our brief goodbyes to T.J. and Taylor before heading out. I overheard Chase and Liam telling Taylor to play nice while we're gone. She replied with a 'no promises' and a wicked grin. I just hope they're both alive and in one piece when we return.


A few hours after leaving the arena, we made it to my parent's house. I smile to myself as we pull into the driveway of my childhood home. I see the silhouette of my mom looking out the window of the living room as we park the car. We knew she'd wait up for us. She was thrilled when we told her we would come up for a few days to see her and dad.

Chase, Liam, and I pile out of the car, happy to get a chance to stretch. I hear a whimper and quick footsteps approaching us. I turn to see my mom coming toward us, my dad following closely behind. She tackles Liam first with a bone-crushing hug, and my dad greets me with a gentler but still enthusiastic embrace.

He turns to Chase and extends his hand when he releases me, greeting him warmly. Dad greets Liam when my mom finally sets him free. And I am met with a hug from her that is barely less forceful than the one she leveled my brother with. I try to breathe in this crazy woman's embrace, and my eyes drift to Chase, who is watching my reunion with my parents.

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