Fly With Me: Part 1

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Lydia's POV:

My Name, is Lydia.

No last name.

No real identity.


Well, at least that's the name I gave myself, when I escaped.

It was on a paper, floating in the wind, that caught my eye. I picked it up, sounded out the word, and to me, it was beautiful.

It's been the first step of many, to finally becoming what I've always dreamt of.


I was actually born known as Experiment 7028. All my life I was raised in a horrid top secret science lab. To them, I was just some test subject. Something they could prod and poke needles in all day.

Never did it cross their minds, that I was a human being. That I had feelings, or that I wanted my own life. No, I've been treated like an animal since I was born.

Well I want to prove I am more than that. I know I'm never going to be considered "normal" to everyone else. (After all, I was born with 6 ft bird wings). But I still want to try and live a happy life.

Except I know I'm being hunted. They want me back, badly. Not because they care about me. Apparently they just don't want people finding out about their part human part bird experiment.

So now I'm on the run hiding wherever I can, trying to travel far away to where no one will ever find me. Then maybe finally, I can start anew.

Last night I crashed on top of the roof of this huge building, and I just woke up. I didn't mind sleeping here, its not much different from the labs. Except here, I get a spectacular view of L.A. I sit and enjoy it for a while.

That is, until I was startled by a noise behind me. My first instinct told me it was the scientists, and they had found me. fear crawled through me, and in my head I said: No, I'm not ready to go back. I can't go back there. I'd rather die.

Turning around cautiously, my relief is great as I see no white lab coat. Just a guy, short and tanned. Wearing a flannel, jeans, and a hat. He sees me, and gets startled too. But when he speaks, it's soft and welcoming.

"Oh sorry. I didn't expect anyone else to be up here." He says.

I'm too shy to reply, because I've never actually talked to anyone who wasn't running tests on me. After a minute of silence, he talks again. "I'm Bruno by the way." He introduces as he sits next to me.

We sit there in silence for a while until I finally work up the courage to speak.

"Lydia." I say.

He turns to me. "What?"

"That's my name. Lydia."

He gives me a small, friendly smile. "Nice to meet you, Lydia." He says. And even though my names already beautiful to me, he somehow makes it sound even better. "So how did you get up here anyways? I thought this building was for recording artists only." He asks curiously.

"I flew."

The words came out automatically, and I gasp inwardly at what I just said.

The first person I meet, and now he's gonna think I'm a freak!

But to my surprise, he just starts laughing. "Haha your funny!" He chuckles. I smile too. He thought I was joking around.

You may be wondering, why isn't he running towards the hills already? You said you had wings. He would have obviously noticed them by now.

Well, I have a windbreaker on, which conceals them. Yet another step to becoming normal. And Im thankful I put it on this morning.

"So what are YOU doing here?" I ask, changing the subject.

"I work here. It gets a little overwhelming sometimes, though. So this is where I come to clear my head." He says.

"I can see why. The view is beautiful up here." I say. We sit there in silence once more, just looking out at the world in front of us. I didn't know what to say or do next. I'm not used to having normal conversations. But again he is the first to speak, and it makes me feel better.

"So Lydia....would you like to maybe go get a coffee, or do something else, with me sometime?" Bruno asks. This was the first time I recognized unsureness in his voice. All his other words seemed calm, precise, and confident.

"What's coffee?" I blurt out. He laughs again. It's a nice laugh, I notice. Full of life, and the way his shoulders move up and down slightly when he does it.

"You are too funny! I love that!" I laugh with him even though I don't know why he thought that was so funny.

I seriously don't know what coffee is.

"Well I'm going to take that as a yes. And I have to get back to work, but how about you come back and meet me out front in 2 hours?" He raises an eyebrow at me, and just that cute gesture made my insides turn to mush.

"Um....ok sure." I say.

I feel like I'm missing a bigger picture here. There must be something more to this meet up. Whats the word I heard once or twice before.... a date? Is that what this is? What does that even mean? God, I feel so dumb compared to everyone. I'm trying to learn.

I just want to fit in.

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