Fly With Me: Part 3

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Lydia's POV:

Bruno and I laid close to each other, and watch the screen for hours. It was a show called "The Walking Dead." It kinda scared me a little (ok a lot), so Bruno put his arms around me and I hid in the crook of his neck when something really gory was happening. My heart was racing, but I was unsure wether it was because of the zombies, or the fact I was in Bruno's arms.

I started getting really tired after a while, and he seemed to notice when I kept yawning a lot.

"Are you getting tired Lydia? You want me to take you home?" He asks sweetly.

I was already dozing off when I reply, "I don't live anywhere." I say through another yawn.

"Oh, yeah. I forgot you told me that." His lips form into a tight line as he looks like he's contemplating something. Then he speaks again. "Well, no girl like you should have to sleep outside. You can stay with me." He says, followed quickly by: "I mean, not WITH me of course. I uh, have a lot of extra rooms. It's just me in this big house. So feel free to spend the night.... or even longer..... if you need." He looks away shyly and rubs the back of his neck. I found it really cute.

I smile. "Thank you." I say, half asleep. All of a sudden I feel his hands reaching under me and picking me up. Im carried bridal style to a bedroom where he lays me on the bed. It was so soft. so comfortable. Never have i ever felt so special. And here, this man was treating me like royalty.

He puts a blanket over me, and tentatively, kisses my forehead. The spot where his lips touched sent an explosion of warmth that spread to my cheeks.

"Sweet dreams, Lydia." He says. He looks back at me with a look I can't quite decipher, before walking out and carefully closing the door behind him.

I immediately pass out, allowing the safety of Bruno's abode consume me. It was the first time, I think, that I remember falling asleep with a smile on my face.

Sometime in the middle of the night, I wake up. I was panicking, and hyperventilating. I was having another nightmare, about being back in that horrible science lab I was raised in. Except this time, Bruno was there too. They were also running tests on him. They had feathers, and needles, and knifes. Bruno was screaming. He was in agonizing pain. But I couldn't do anything, because I was strapped to the operating table next to him. But I knew what they were trying to do to him.

They were trying to make him like me.

I start to calm down when I realize I'm still in Bruno's house, and neither of us are being picked at and poked with needles.

I usually never sleep for long periods of time, anyways. It's the inner avian inside of me. It's weird how some parts of my brain function like a human, and others like a bird.

I looked to my left, and spotted a window. It was still dark outside, but nonetheless, I decided I need some fresh air.

I sit up, taking off my windbreaker, and setting it down on the bed. I undo the latch on the window and push the two halves open. The window was huge. Everything in this house was on a much bigger scale than normal. I stand on the sill, letting the night air sweep through me for a second, then I jump.

I close my eyes and just feel the rush of air as I'm plummeting towards the ground. Then I swoop down as my wings unfurl, letting the wind catch me. Then I'm ascending, going high Above the buildings and the clouds. if anyone were to see me from here, i'd look no different from any other bird.

Up here in the sky, It's much easier to think straight. Except for this constant beeping sound I keep hearing. It sounded so close, as if it was coming from me.

I look down, noticing the silver disc on a chain I was wearing. There was a red flashing light on it, and then I realize that's where the beeping is coming from.

It was becoming annoying so I rip it from my neck. I inspect it, turning it over in my fingers. I don't even remember where the thing came from. But i didn't know how to stop the noise, either.

I notice a river straight below me, and I drop it into the water as I pass over it.

There, now I can finally think clearly.

I'm trying to figure out what I'm going to do next. I know the smart thing to do would be just leaving Bruno and continue to head as far away as possible.

But a part of me is saying to stay here with him. i mean, why wouldn't i want to? He treats me so nice, and he even offered to let me stay in his house.

Plus, I really believe I'm starting to have feelings for him, on account that every time I see him I get butterflies in my stomach.

The only issue I have, though, is I don't want to put him in any danger. Because I know the scientists bodyguards are on a hunt for me, and I also know they don't play nice.

When I was escaping, I barely got out of that place alive. So if they find me here, who knows what'll happen to Bruno.

Maybe if I truly care about him, I would leave, to keep him safe.

I can't imagine putting his life at risk. That would be selfish. And i'm just not that kind of person. So regardless of what i feel towards him, I'm afraid this is where it has to end.

The thought of it makes my eyes watery, and I feel a single tear slide down my cheek. Because of them, I have to let go of something I want. Is it always going to be like this? Having to sacrifice, because they'll never stop controlling my life?

Before I can tell myself otherwise, I've made up my mind. First thing tomorrow morning, I'm leaving. That way if I'm caught, no one else gets hurt.

I steer back towards the house, and once I reach it, I dip through the window. I do a frontwards roll as soon as I touch down in the room to stop my momentum.

I stand up, examining the room.

Thats when I notice my door is open.

When I left I know it was closed.

I slowly walk towards the ajar door, being cautious as I do.

I go up to what I determine to be Bruno's bedroom.

But to my surprise, he's gone.

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