Fly With Me: Part 7

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Lydia's POV:

A long while later, when I feel as I can't go any further, I finally descend to the ground. I've never felt this worn out before. But then again, I've never actually carried someone while flying before either.

I've landed us in a deserted, grassy area. That way no one would see us coming from the sky, and we wouldn't cause a panic.

Normal people can be startled so easily.

Just like the person in front of me.

"Okay I think we should be safe now. I am in need of a break." I say, not making eye contact.

I take a seat there in the grass, and run my fingers over its prickly surface. I inhale deeply, trying to calm myself down. Though its hard, considering what we were just through.

I was so close to losing him.

Though i'll probably lose him anyways now.

I take a peek upwards through my eyelashes at him.

Bruno looks like he's trying to talk, but every time he opens his mouth, he closes it again. His eyebrows knit together, unable to decide on what to say.

I feel tears well up in my eyes. Now he's going to think I'm just some freak of nature.

Which I mean, I guess I am. But I just hoped it could be different.

He sees the tears, and then he's kneeling in front of me. Bruno wipes underneath my eyes, ridding them from my face. "Lydia what's wrong?" He asks. His voice was so soft, and comforting. It only made it worse, and then I started balling like a baby.

"You think I'm a freak now! You're going to abandon me now that you know my secret. You're going to leave just as I was starting to like you and-"

My words are silenced, and my rant is cut off, as he seals his lips onto mine with a kiss.

A real kiss.

When he pulls back, I just stand there gaping at him. I was NOT expecting that.

"Lydia, the moment I saw you I knew you were special. And now I know why. I am shocked because I definitely never expected something like this. But that doesn't mean I'm going to just leave. Your differences make you who you are, and I love who you are." He says.

I search his face for any signs of doubt. I find none.

I practically jump into his arms. "No ones ever accepted me like that before, Bruno."

He runs his fingers down the feathers of my wings, and I liked the way it felt.

"We should find somewhere to spend the night and rest, it's a long way back to your home from here." I tell him. I didn't want this moment to end, but I know we're both tired and need the rest.

"I could get us a hotel room for the night." He suggests.

I smile. "Yeah, but I know where the best places are. The ones no one else can get to. Plus it won't cost a thing." I say.

I hold onto him once more as we ascend back into the air. A few minutes later I spot the perfect place. I land on the roof of one of the tallest buildings around.

Bruno walks to the edge, and peers down into the world below us. Then he looks at the incredible purple sky as the sun has barely set below the horizon. "Now I know how you got onto the roof of my recording studio." He muses.

We settle down on the roof next to each other, staring up at the stars. It's quiet for a while, but as I suspected Bruno is unable to contain his curiosity. He starts asking all these questions.

"So were you born with wings, or were they surgically attached to you? How are you so strong and fast? Who are those scientist guys, and what's up with those freakish bodyguards?" And on he goes. He's so caught up in talking he doesn't even notice that I'm not responding.

When he's finally done ranting off his questions, I take a deep breath and sigh. Explaining everything won't be that easy, and bringing up all the terrible memories of that place just makes it worse. But I want him to know. I need someone to have my story besides me. Maybe then, I won't feel so alone.

So I begin to tell him everything as condensed as I can make it.

"Those scientists are part of a top secret organization called GECE (Genetically Engineered Combination Experiments). For fifty years they've been combining different types of species, trying to evolve mankind. But all of them failed. All except me. So for the past 25 years I've been their test subject, because they want to know how I managed to turn out right. Which they still haven't discovered by the way. I wasn't born in a test tube, someone actually gave birth to me. They injected avian (bird) DNA into the embryo, and thus I was created. Making that woman my mom, although I've never even met her. They have these holographic rooms that they used to teach me to fly. About a week ago during one of the flying sessions, part of the hologram malfunctioned, and I noticed a tear in the field. I took my chances and dashed right out of there, never looking back."

Bruno sits there in shock and amazement, after gaining the knowledge I provided..

Bruno's POV:

Lydia just told me everything. Answering all of my questions and getting rid of the confusion I had.

I didn't expect the situation to be so complicated.

I didn't expect any of this.

But I was angry. Furious by what she told me. A poor innocent girl had to endure such a horrible past and missed out on the most precious years of her life.

How has this been going on for so long? How have they hidden this? Surely someone would have noticed and put an end to it by now?

These people need to be stopped for the evil things their doing.

"That's terrible, Lydia." I say shaking my head.

I feel so bad for her having to grow up like that. Being captive in a science lab is no way to live.

She nods her head in agreement. "It is terrible. But I can't do anything about it." She says sadly.

"Maybe you can." I say. She looks up at me with a questioning look.

"How?" She asks hopelessly.

"I don't know exactly. But I'm going to help you find a way, Lydia." I say with determination.

She shakes her head. "It's no use fighting them. The best I can do is just avoid them."

"But is it worth being free if you spend your life running away?" I ask.

She doesn't reply. Instead she just rolls over and tucks her wings around her like a blanket. "Good night, Bruno." She says while yawning.

She falls asleep almost instantly, leaving me to stew with my own thoughts.

"Sweet dreams" I say, also getting comfortable to sleep.

I don't know a lot about what or why this has happened to her. But I am sure of one thing.

I will find a way to help Lydia.

I WILL make sure those people pay for all the pain they've caused her.

I just don't know how yet.

I finally close my eyes.

Maybe I'll find the answer in my sleep...


Authors note:


That is all.


You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2015 ⏰

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