🍓⤖ Winter Knitted Strawberry Red Velvet Cake

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🍓 Winter Knitted Strawberry Red Velvet Cake

❀ 180g Unsalted butter
❀ 60g sugar
❀ 4 Egg yolks
❀ 5g Vanilla extract
❀ 30g Milk
❀ Red food coloring
❀ 180g Cake flower
❀ 10g Cocoa powder
❀ 10g Baking powder
❀ 4 Egg whites
❀ 80g Sugar
❀ 500g Unsalted butter
❀ 150g Powdered sugar
❀ 140g Whipping cream
❀ 10 Vanilla extract

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2022 ⏰

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