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I woke up to the smell of eggs and toast. I came downstairs and saw my dad leaving. I ate my food and put my riding clothes on. I went to the barn to grab a bail of hay. I used Erik are donkey to move it. I pushed it the rest of the way into the field. I saw Ravi running next to the herd going to the food. He ran over to me putting is head over the fence as I petted his head.

"We're gonna have to train today" as I hugged his head.

"Cadence you really gonna enter the rodeo?"

"Jenna what are you doing here?"as I watched her ride up beside me on her horse Baby.

"I'm here to ask if i can borrow your field? As she hopped off her horse.

"Sure but I'll be there with you" as I put a saddle of Ravi.

"I got an idea, let's trade horses", said Jenna.

"I get ya, you want to see strengths, ok let's do it" as I took Baby's reins and hopped on.

She grabbed Ravis and got on. She touched his thigh and he ran into the field. I ran over to the jump courses. I buckled my helmet on and pushed on Baby's side. She raised her front hooves and dashed towards the meter high jump. I held on and leaned down. She jump right over and ran to the next one.

"Good job girl, keep going" as I pushed her over the other 3 meter jump.

I stopped her and looked over seeing Ravi running around the barrels. I never saw him run those. I can't believe she got him too. I trotted over and she stopped beside me.

"Not a bad horse here Cadence" as she stroked his neck.

"How did he do barrels? I never knew he could" I said.

"I thought since he's fast he could and all you have to do is guide him" she smiled and fist bumped my shoulder.

She took Ravi around the field a couple more times making him speed up even more. I took Baby over bigger jumps each time pushing her. She was made for jumping. I gave her a rest and got a bucket of water. She drank some as I saw Ravi drinking from the water bin. Jenna and Ravi came over to me.

"Ravi has some real talent. He can win for sure, and I'd recommend barrels and the sprints". As she hopped off and grabbed Babys reins.

"Baby can really jump, I can't wait to see her in the competition" as I pulled Ravis saddle off.

She told me that she wanted to see Ravi and Baby both. She couldn't keep Baby for a week cause of a trip and she asked my dad to leave her here. I told her ok and she put her in the barn in a pre made pen. She started jogging down the road.

"Come on Ravi you need to stay in then barn tonight" as I lead him.

I filled it with fresh hay, food, water. I gave some to Baby and she nayed happy. I told all the horses goodnight and walked to my house.

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