New Territory

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<POV: Wylda/W-B022>

I've just finished capturing the last FOB. I have the ammo holders bring up a Riven Mangler to reload my own, and a Elite Bloodblade so I can charge up my previous. Suddnly, my radar picks up... something. It doesn't have a color, it just looks like Eight markers clustered together, with glitches surrounding them. Suddnly, Weapon receives a transmission.

Weapon: "Incoming transmission. I'll go ahead and play it for you."

Transmission: "You are not the first. You will not be the last. Accept your new fate, designated by us, the gods. Wait, no, I think I messed that line up. Uhh... listen, We- I tried to sound all cryptic, but they wanted to say different things so it just kinda..."

It trailed off.

Transmission: "Listen, just grab what you need and head through the portal, okay?"

"Uhh... Ok?"

I grab a weapons station, and pick it up. I request a Razorback drop, and it finally arrives. I put the weapons station into the back of it, take my best marine buddy, Jack, into the portal. It was like a white mist, with different colored flames occasionally appearing inside of it. When I come out of it, I see that I'm in a courtyard... of a school. I decide to park, and go inside, while I have Jack stay at the Razorback. I walk in to see a short corridor, leading into a large auditorium. I then notice a silver haired man standing on a stage. He seems to be practicing a speech. As I approach, he stops, mid sentence.

???: "And who might you be? I don't remember enrolling a student with pink and black armor."

"My designation is W-B022. Who are you, and where am I?"

???: "My name is Ozpin, and I'm the headmaster of Beacon acadamy. Tell me, how exactly did you get here?"

"I was contacted by an entity who claimed to be a God, and offered me a new fate. I couldn't be sure if it was a threat, so I came through with equipment and one marine, and somehow ended up here."

Ozpin: "Well, if that isn't a story. Follow my assistant, and she will put you with a team for now. Since you appear to be from a different universe entirely, they will inform you on this universe. Now go."

As he said that, a lady wearing a purple and white dress walked up to me from behind.

"If you don't mind, I'd like to go get my friend from outside."

Ozpin: "Of course."

I walk outside, and get the marine.

"Come on Jack, follow me. This is an entirely new universe, so we won't know what to expect. I'll grab the weapons station."

Jack followed me into the building, where we were lead by the lady from earlier, to a dorm labeled 'RWBY'. We walk in to see four teenagers, who had just finished poorly constructing a bunk bed.

Lady from earlier: "Team RWBY, these are two... refugees. They will be added to your team for now, and it is non-negotiable. I'll let you in on a secret, though. Refugee is only what we are calling them to others, however they are from a different universe entirely."

Red haired girl: "What? But how??"

Lady: "Who knows. But, until they get a good understanding of how This world works, they shall be staying with you four."

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