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"Alex" my best friend called me from across the arcade

Belle dragged me from my house to hang out with her and a bunch of her friends, I didn't know any of them but from what I've seen and heard, they all sound rude and spoilt, the worst type of combination. I've been here for about 45 minutes and I already want to kill myself.

"Yes Belle" I faked a smile, I didn't want to make her upset or ruin her mood cause she's been excited for me to hang out with her annoying ass friends and has been talking about it for weeks now, I'm not going to tell her how I feel about them...well not now at least.

"I'm going to hang out at my friend's house for the rest of the night, is that fine with you?" She asked me while walking over to me

"Yeah that's fine, I have to work tomorrow anyways," I told her, I was hoping that we could have a little girly sleepover considering that I've never done that before but I guess we can do that another time.

"Thanks, girly, see you soon then" She turned around at skipped to her friends

"Bye Belle" I muttered under my breath, they left the arcade leaving me to walk out by myself.

I bought myself a mocha milkshake from a little Cafe store and I bought medium chips and nuggets from the place next to it. I passed a group of boys, I heard them start whispering to each other and snickering

"ALEX" I heard one of them shout, how the fuck do they know my name, I don't talk to anyone except for Belle and Zoey and my friends  I slowly turned around to see a guy wearing a beanie and a grey sweater with black sweatpants walking towards me.

"Hi??" I said confused

"Hey," he said, he had dark blue eyes that looked familiar and light freckles dusted across his cheeks and nose and his nose and ears were pierced, he smiled slightly, he looked all too familiar, I looked down at his neck, and saw I tiny butterfly tattoo


William, I can't believe you're sneaking us into a tattoo parlor" I punched him softly whilst giving him a big smile.

William and I were just 14 and he somehow found a way to get us tattoos. He said it was a good way to rebel against both our parents, mostly mine cause he and his parents were still closer than ever but I didn't correct him, I knew he was trying to make me feel better.

We were getting matching tattoos, William was getting one on his neck and I was getting one under my boobs (the best place to hide a tattoo).


"No fucking way" I gasped shocked

"Yes fucking way" his smile grew bigger

"William" I screamed in disbelief

"I told you to stop calling me by my full name" he laughed hugging me  

"It was either that or Willy, William" I laughed

"Whatever" he rolled his eyes playfully

"Bitch you fucking grew, what, I didn't even recognize you" he was way taller than 3 years ago and his voice deeper, his features became more prominent

"You did too, you got tits and an ass now" he smirked

"You're personality still the same though" I glared at him

"Excuse I'm a better person now anyways what are you doing here by yourself," he asked looking around for other people

"I wasn't actually by myself, my best friend and her friends left, but we were at the arcade" I answered briefly

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