6 (Grayson)

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When I walked into the house I immediately regretted not staying with her. I saw my cousins Miguel and Antonio walk up to me

"Hey cousin," Miguel said in Spanish (keep in mind that most of the conversations are in Spanish)

"How are you" Antonio asked with a sly smirk on his face 

"Wait, Tony, he hasn't sworn at us at all, he's in a good mood" Miguel pointed out like that was a world-changing factor causing me to roll my eyes and huff annoyed 

"Shit you're right" Antonio realized

"Cousin did you find a girl" Miguel asked me now standing next to me 

"Or a boy we don't judge" Antonio added and Miguel nodded in agreement

"Get the fuck out of my way" I scowled walking past them

"So it is someone" Miguel shouted behind them causing me to flip him off

"Shut up shitheads and get out of my way" I pushed past Antonio, walked up to my mom in the kitchen, and greeted her

"Enzo please be nice to your cousins, they're still young and they're going to push your buttons all the time," she told me with a loving smile then pulled me into a hug which made me melt at her touch

"Yes mama" I agreed not bothering to fight or disagree 

"You know I love you and I'll always be proud of you," she said in English, she kissed my forehead and rubbed my arm lovingly.

"I know Mom" I also said in English, with a small smile on my face 

"Now go greet the rest of your family" she shooed me out of the kitchen. My mother has always been a really sweet lady and that's how my father took advantage of her and her niceness, and so did I. She doesn't deserve the shit we put her through, the shit I put her through but yet she still tells me that she's proud of me every day and how she wouldn't exchange me for anything in the world.

I walked to the living room and saw my aunts gossiping on the couch as per usual 

"Hello Aunt Maria" I greeted her first in Spanish, none of them liked speaking English around me cause they believed that it would help improve my Spanish, like I needed their help 

"Ahh Lorenzo, how are you" She smiled and gave me a hug

"I'm good and you" I smiled back politely even though I was dreading being here

"I'm good, sit sit" she instructed and I sat down next to her and she patted my leg as she does every time, she's been doing it since I was 5 so it never was a weird thing for me 

"Hello Aunties" I greeted them and they turned toward me

"Lorenzo?" My Aunt Fiona looked shocked to see me like I didn't live here

"Lorenzo my nephew" my aunt Julia came to me and kissed me all over my face

"Hey Aunt Julia" I smiled flushed by the gesture, she's been doing this since I was young too but it's not something I got used to over time like the leg pat. She held her hands against my cheeks and squeezed them

"You've grown you look so handsome now," she said and went back to her seat staring at me as if she were analyzing my every feature and comparing it to how I looked 15 years ago 

"Thank you," I said, ignoring my sore cheeks and fighting the urge to rub them 

"Lorenzo" my aunt Laura glared at me, she never liked me, and I've never liked her so the feelings are mutual

"Aunt Laura" my smile dropped as I greeted her

"Anyways Lorenzo, how are you and you're friends" Aunt Maria asked diverting my attention from that witch, they could probably sense the rising tension 

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