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A while later, everyone else arrived. In a matter of 2 seconds, after they arrived, the house was noisy and messy, the fridge was wide open while Taylor and Kai were scrounging for late-night snacks and drinks, some of them were shouting from different rooms and don't get me started on how many times I heard my name being yelled from all parts of the house. Now we were all in the lounge cause Riley called a meeting.

"So let's plan the sleeping arrangements before we continue," Riley started while everyone settled down.

"Are we choosing who we sleep with again cause the last time we did that? It was chaos." Noah asked, causing all the guys to groan and a very overwhelmed me to look around the already hectic house

"Shut the fuck up Nick" everyone groaned in unison

"I was going to but thank you for reminding me" Riley smiled, a horrifying one that scared me a bit

"NICKK" They all shouted, glaring at him like he had just thrown away the last slice of pizza

"Ayo, it's not my fault y'all were a mess last time" he raised his hands in defense

"Alex, how many guest rooms do you have?" Riley asked

"4 and 1 upcoming one" I answered, the upcoming one was my sister's but she died years ago so I told myself to start renovating it, it is what she wanted, she wanted me to throw out all her stuff and do whatever with her room and forget about her, I've done none of those so far. The other 4 were just old rooms of past family members.

"Sheesh" Dante commented, I gave him a fake smile. Just by looking at them, I could see that they were super rich from the little designer items they had to the latest iPhones and sneakers to the way they spoke. They reeked of money. So Dante's comment put me off a bit cause I knew this was like a playroom for him.

"I'll give you guys a house tour when we're done," I said and they all nodded like they didn't give themselves one as soon as they arrived

"Thank you Alex" Riley smiled "Anyways, here's your pairs, Kai and Dante, Noah and Phoenix, Taylor and Grayson, William and Riley, and Alex you're sleeping alone" He listed off. Everyone was happy with their pairs

"Anyways house tour" Kai shouted and Dante danced around like it was a celebration. Their excitement and enthusiasm never failed to make me laugh.

I showed them around the house and everyone went inside their rooms and moved their stuff into the rooms Riley had assigned. Dante and Kai were sleeping in the room next to his and Williams, Phoenix, and Noah were sleeping across Dante and Kai and Grayson and Taylor were sleeping next to......my...

sister's room down the hall from mine, Do you think I would let them sleep next to my room, no way, those two are handsome perverts, and one slip up from me would not end well (it never does in books)

It was quite late so everyone decided to go to sleep. The late hours are my peak hours so I made myself a cup of coffee, played music through my airpods, and started to draw on my iPad while sitting in the kitchen enjoying the quiet calm energy floating around.

There's something ever so calming about being awake at these times, maybe it's the dead silence or the fact that nothing can bother me. It's also when my brain works perfectly for some reason like during the day my brain would go a little too fast or a little too slow but nighttime is when it runs perfectly, mainly why I do homework or draw at this time. Bitch you're up at these times because you can't sleep. My inner voice exposed me.

I heard my dogs barking, I looked up to see Grayson getting attacked by them. Why is he up?

"Tunnel," I said quickly and they ran up to me, I gave them treats and petted them gently

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