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I was in the kitchen trying to convince Grayson to make a chocolate cake with me since he knew how and I was too lazy to make it myself plus I was shit at baking 

"Grayson it will benefit us both if you make a chocolate cake and it's something to take home to your siblings or whatever" I reasoned with him

"Why don't you make it yourself?" He said rolling his eyes

"Because you said that you can make one and I'm really craving chocolate cake.

"Fine but only if you give me a kiss" he smirked, bitch what. 

"No" I frowned, I don't know why he wants one but I'm not gonna do that 

"Then start baking Alex" he went back to looking at his phone. I mumbled a string of curse words while I got bowls and spoons out 

"Okay then Grayson" I faked glared at him now taking out the ingredients, at first Belle was going to make it for me cause she makes a mean chocolate cake but then she bailed on me

"House, search up how to bake a chocolate cake," I asked it and it went du dum

"Here are the results Alex" House brought up the kitchen aisle pop-up TV, I watched the first video and did everything the lady showed me but her batter and mine were completely different. I heard Alex laugh at my confusion and he took a photo of me. I glared at him once again.

"You're a cruel man Grayson........Grayson" I repeated his name, to be fair before anyone judges, Grayson is a common surname.

"Grayson Grayson really?" He chuckled at the name 

"Yeah Grayson Grayson," I said more confidently now despite knowing that I was far from right

"Okay then Alex Alex, do you still need my help?" He looked at my mess of a batter then back up at me causing my cheeks to flush in embarrassment 

"Nope" I glared at him then continued mixing in an attempt to make the batter thicker, he muttered something in Spanish

"Wait you speak Spanish," I asked him shocked 

"Yeah, I'm half Mexican," he said like it was obvious

"Oh no offense but you look..white, another fact in the Facts about Grayson note" I mumbled the last part adding it to notes

"What else is in that note" He asked pointing at my phone, it wasn't anything serious so I read it aloud 

"18 yrs old
birthday is on the 18th of November
Is a Scorpio (explains a lot)
Likes the color black it seems
Has insomnia
Is quiet
Is a dick with everyone else but is nice when alone
Average Wattpad boy
Likes oats (cute)
Is half Mexican" I read out the list

"Why is that a note," he looked at me weirdly 

"Helps me figure out what kind of person you are" I mixed the batter again not wanting to face him 

"Do you have one for all of us?"

"Nope just you" The more I spoke, the more I realized that it was borderline creepy 


"Everyone is easy to read, everyone except you"

"You wanna fix and update that list" He offered 


"My favorite color is purple, I have no pets, I live with my mom, I do love oats, I'm an only child, I love baking especially with my mom, umm that's all I think and I'm not an average Wattpad boy excuse you" he listed and I typed while he was talking 

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