Tears and Blood

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Intry ???
Vs All Hordes
Base Left
"Ready guys cause after rhis we might end this virus" Tails says loading his gun "Yeah for Y/n and Peace" Neru says putting his glasses "Yeah what he said"  Keith says putting on his bag "..." pibby stayed silent i brush it off and get my sword and sniper ready "Okay lets go" i say we all stand infront of the portal "Ready" i say "Yep lets do this" everybody says expect pibby we all walk in meeting with a plain field with tree's "Tai-" i got cut off by pibby gasping "my h-home" she says we turn to her see her crying "Hey-" *OSWHSOAHZIWBOSBWISVWK* (Cringe)

We all turn to see a bunny huge gloob of the virus with it "B-B-BUNNY?!" Pibyy suddenly screams out we nod and take our weapons "Is bunny your friend" keith says still looking at the horde coming "Pibby please get up so can put her to rest" steven says with a soft voice she gets up and nods she makes her hair go down "lets do this guys" she says we  smile "ill go for the bunny with pibby" steven says "you sure" i say he nods and goes with pibby me and neru,keith,tail's look at the horde coming "Tails?" he nods and shows us "Weakness is everything" he says we smile and nod i take out my sniper and shoot a couple down

"Get ready they're coming" tails says we get ready first was the Invetery Team baseically saying freddy,Scoob,belma,Daffy the hardest for me to take out was the dog i looked away while stabbing its head and sighed as it shattered into the sky "alright now for the powerpuff girls" tails says we stare at the flying marbles toward i aim and shoot one down but the other reach befoee i could reload "Neru left" i scream he does and attacks the green girl down he sliced her inhalf and shattered distracted i get punched by the blondie one the tails shoots fast amd it kills it by headshot "damn it one more and there" tails says looking at the horde "alright next teen titans" he says suddenly getting out a huge beam shooter "1...2....3.."*BAM* Woah he killed them all at once we run to pibby and steven

We see steven and pibby hugging each other steven falls to the ground snd pibby cries as she shoots him in the head " im sorry he portected me"she says falking into my hands crying "steven" Neru says looking away "DAMN IT" Keith screams out i understand how he feels we look at the cave then steven gets up all glitchly "N-No" i say *bam* a beam passes me and shatters steven "im sorry steven" tails says looking at steven shatters flying away "Now y/n" keith says we walk into the cave ready for the powerfull entity "Alright everybody heal up before we do this" tails says throwing us meds we all heal and feel energized and ready "lets do this for steven and Y/n" Keith says reloading his gun we walk weary then we spot shaggy "Mc throw a smoke gernade" i say he nods and throws it we hear shaggy glitches through and follow it we stab him which did alot damage but hes still alive "okay guys weakness is head" tails screams out we all aim for his head but this one is smarter then anyone we've faced "shit guys distract him" i say they all nod and go in i hide and reload my gun and aim "cmon...THERE" I shoot and its hits him right in the head he falls to the floor

"Tails?" i say he nods and checks him "yeah hes done" as he said that he shattered into a million pieces "Thanks tails" pat his head he smiles "alright monika and mc go back to base they nod and head back " Tail's and Neru fund a way to...nvm lets do this" i say they tilt their heads but we plant a bomb on the door it explodes we enter and see y/n lying on the floor i put my sniper on my back and run to him "Y/n?! Y/n?!" i scream out i tap his face couple time he reacts but "Ssssssssuu---kkk-ie" i cry more she barely manages my name "Here give him this" tails throws me a med and i give it to him and make him drink it "...y/n?" neru says "GAH" He bolts up and falls again "Huh y-y/n" i say happy and surprised "Y-y-yeah" i tackle him in a hug "we'll let them have moment togather" tails says neru tells me they're going to plan stevens Funeral (idk how to spell it) "Steven died..." i say to y/n he looks away "its acutally my fault yall came here to save me but one us ended up dieing" he says punching the wall counghing vblood violently "ah y/n you need to rest" i say putting his arm over my shoulder "f-f-fine" he says i open the portal to base

"Hey guys" Y/n says gulity "Hey sorry about steven" Keith says to y/n he nods and i take him to medical

Damn it

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