Vs Cowardly Dog

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Entry 12
Ready for battle
I get off Suzkie's bed and tuck her in right i put on my clothes and shoes and walk out to see keith still awake he seemed to be luaghing at meme's i sneak and i manganaged to make it to my room i get my supplies and sword and sneak to the portal i quickly turn on and type 'Doki Doki' it opens up then i hear frantic footsteps i set it to ckose i jump in before Keith sees me

I pull out my sword and look around the same and destroyed place i out my sword back i felt like we've missed something i look around and enter each house but met with infected i finsh off the last one and give up i wait until the portal opens "Y/N?!" I grab my mic "Hm?" i say unsurprised its Suzkie "WHAT WORLD ARE YOU IN" She screams i sigh "Clasified" slinece fills it i sigh and get up and enter the destroyed school its pretty good school but thst monster did pretty good job at destroying it "ugh" i Turn and see the rubble moving i pull my sword and walk to it "huh footsteps a survivor?" defentily male i walk to it and lift the rubble to see a guy with black hair and glasses broken "Oh thank god your okay" i say he stares at me confused 

*Ground Violently shakes* "Y/N YOU FUCKING IDIOT YOUR GONNA GO THROUGH A SHOW RUS-" I keith and the sobs of Suzkie ingore and grab the guy as we telaport to a uh dessert "hey uh whays your name" i give him a note saying my name i see house i run to it
"Hey anyone here...FUCK" I get out the way to see a leaf rake pecire through the door i fall back then a old guy comes out spiliing out the virus i dodge *Cuts your eyes* "ah fuck" i get up and bandage my eye i kook at the guy holding a gun "Hey Y/n watch yourself theres two more" as he says that a old fat lady cones out with a frying pan and a pink?dog it spits at me getting the virus on me "shit..."

"Alright Y/n ill go for the man you go for the dog" i nod and try to shoot or stav the dog it took sometime but i managed the dog looked so familier but i dont remember his name *Pan hits your face* i stumbble back and shoot istanlty hitting the woman succesfily "Y/N CAN YOU HEAR ME" Suzkie on the mic says "Yeah" i say plainly "Got a surivior hes an expirt to" i say "also my names Neru" he says adjusting his glasses "IS YOUR EYE OKAY WE GOT A ALARM ON YOUR EYE" Tails says worried sick but me and neru seem to be falling "huh...WHAT THE" I look around to see a backpack i grab and it somehow has parachute i look around for neru he seemed to find one aswell

"Now what..." we land on a green and happy land but its destroyed and thers huge letters on the floor we look around but......."Gah what the" i look around to see everybody worried girst a slap *Gets slapped* "knew it" i mummble i look up to see suzkie crying
*blood drips* i look at my side of my body "would you look at that" i say plainly "Anyways y/n where are we" Neru says confused "base" i say "but first ill see you just waittr" i get oulked by the whole gang "i wish you luck!"

Neru is my O/c btw

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