Your Hobby

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A/N:A bit of a filler,hope you don't mind <3


Your hobby is catching frogs,you don't know why but you love going with Tsu to lakes and grabbing frogs,even if you can't take them home


Your hobby is writing.You love to write about heroes and stories about your favorites.


Your hobby is working out,unsurprising to Bakugo, you liked to work out.(He likes rock climbing I did my best okay)


Your hobby is spending time with family, whether it's helping grandma Inko cook,or just watching TV,you love being with family.


Your hobby is sketching.You love looking at Masaru sketch clothes and started to do it yourself.


Your hobby is playing gutair. Jirou had helped you learn a few instruments,but gutair was your favorite of all.


Your hobby is reading. You love to read all types of things.


Your hobby is (unsprisingly) dancing. Just like your mom you love to dance


Your hobby is playing video games.You love to play video games with your dads and Kaminari's friends(especially when it comes to Smash)

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