How you came along

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Warning Cussing Is going to be in some


Though the two girls were in their second year they always loved kids and one day,Ochako fell pregnant(Bc I said so,and screw logic).

Ochako worried about what her classmates would say,basically pacing back and forth,she was even worried what her girlfriend would say even.

Tsu came to her dorm to spend time with her,Ochako quickly tried calming down before opening the door.

"Hey Tsu!"She said enthusiastically,even though she looked like a nervous wreck.

Tsu instantly saw in her face,something was wrong.

She came inside,and asked "What's wrong Kero?"

Ochako said "Nothing dont worry!"

She was trying to keep up the charade that nothing was wrong.

After a while she broke down and told her.

Tsu held her telling her that she was happy to be a mom.

After a few days they told Aizawa

"Okay just don't be late on schoolwork,and one of you has to be at school"Aizawa said.

They were shocked,he didn't care as long as they were doing okay in school.

After telling the dekusquad they got mostly happy shocked responses.Deku actually offered to babysit if they ever needed him to.After telling Iida,well obviously after he lectured them told them that they should still be here if they can.

BakuDeku(Warning Male Pregnancy)

One day,while Bakugo was watching tv,Deku was in the bathroom,and taking a long time

"Deku,hurry up or I'm watching this without you"

He was talking about their show,and it wasnt the first time he threatened to watch without him.Of course,he never did watch it without him.

Deku was staring at the test in disbelief,he had been feeling nauseous lately,but after going to Recovery Girl and being told everything was okay.

He decided to take a pregnancy test,he actually took two,both were positive.He wasn't ready for kids.

"Deku,nerd are you almost done for fucks sake"Bakugo was getting kinda worried.

He went to the bathroom and opened the door,to see his poor boyfriend, crying on the floor.

He went over to him "What the fuck is wrong,Deku?"

He saw the tests,and asked "You're fucking pregnant?"

Deku,sobbing nodded,thinking he'd be mad,but was suprised when instead Bakugo wrapped his arms around him.

He looked up at the male who was hugging him

"You're not mad?"

"Why would I be mad,nerd?"

"Because I'm pregnant "

"Nerd,unless you slept with one of those extras or Icyhot I'm not mad,as long as I know its fucking mine"

He hugged back "Thanks Kacchan"

"Dont mention it nerd"

They told their squads,and had basically three babysitters from their squads alone.Mina,Kirishima,and Ochako were all in to babysit the kid if needed.

Aizawa told them to be in class and turn in work on a reasonable time.

Todobaku(Male Pregnancy!)

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