Qestions, Questions, And Even More Questions

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We get back to my manor and Sebastian chained Madjest to a chair in front of my desk in the study.

"Sebastian can you make some refreshments please?" I asked him as I sat down and turned my back to Madjest.

"Yes, my lady. I will be back soon." He said as he left.

After some time, Madjest finally regained consciousness.

I heard him grunt.

"Awake are we?" I asked still turned away.

"Where am I? Who are you?" He asked frantically.

"Oh? I'm "your little Raven"." I said as I turned around.

"Lady Phantomhive? Why am I here?"

"Oh, you know. This is how I interrogate murderers, like yourself."

"I'm not a murderer."

"Of course you are, you see I was Sarah Drevous. I went undercover to test a theory and I was right. You fell for our trap."

"So who were the others?'

"Why would I tell a Reaper that?"

"So I could- wait you knew?"

"Of course you simpleton! I knew for a while."

Sebastian walked in.

"Your refreshments, my lady."

"Sebastian, please call me (Y/N). So Madjest, would you like some tea?" I asked.

"Why are you offering me tea?" Madjest asked.

"Even though you're my little prisoner, I still have to show Phantomhive hospitality." I said as Sebastian gave me my tea.

 "I won't accept. And I will never talk." Madjest stated as he glared at me.

"Oh come now you pig. I'm treating you like a person. Now, who is behind this massacre?" I ask as I sip from my tea.

"Like I would tell you." He looked at me with hatred.

"If you don't tell me, I'll have Grell escort you back to William and have him punish you." I looked at him and smiled.

Grell walked in when I mentioned him.

"And William is not happy with you, Madjest. You'll be lucky if he doesn't kill you." Grell laughed.

"I still refuse to talk, though I will admit, I am low, but my master made me promise not to tell, and I will not break a promise." Madjest said looking franticly around the room.

I sighed, "Sebastian, take him to the basement and make him writhe in agony until William arrives to retrieve him, Grell, go get William. Oh, Sebastian, please stifle his voice it's really late and I must retire for the night." I got up from my chair after I drank my tea.

I walked next to Madjest.

"You have until William arrives to inform us." I said into his ear I turned to him and kicked him and he fell over and the chair he was tied to went with him.

I walked out of the room and walked down the hall to my room and sat on my bed.

(Sebastian's p.o.v)

After (Y/N) left to retire, I followed her orders.

"Alright, Madjest time to take you to the basement." I said to him calmly and politely as I could.

I picked him up and threw him over my shoulders.

"I can't believe a filthy demon is carrying me, this is so humiliating." Madjest spat in disgust.

"Well, I could drag you by your hair. My Lady did tell me to make you writhe in agony," I threw him onto the floor and got a handful of hair, " And I'm not disgusting. I just bathed after having a pathetic reaper  touch me at the party." I said as I started to drag him.

He started to whimper and was about to cry out but before he could I took off his tie and gaged him with it.

"Lady (Y/N) said to keep quiet. You don't want to make her more angry now do you?" I chuckled.

After a few minutes of walking and dragging, we finally make it to the basement.

Madjest had little tears in his eyes from having his hair pulled. I only smiled.

When ever someone upsets Lady (Y/N), I can't help but feel like killing them.

Ever since her father, my old master, died I made a promise to myself to make her happy. That is why I told her I would help her find out who killed her father and the other nobles. And in return, she will serve me for all eternity. I won't have her do any work though. (Y/N) is a delicate woman, I will continue to serve her. She will simply be a companion.

After I had my fun with Madjest, I went back to the study to clean up from tea.

"My lady you left your papers everywhere." I said and sat in her chair then I-

*BANG!!!* *CRASH* *thud*

~to be continued~

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