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In a city called hilltong hill lives a boy name max scoffland. Max scoffland was an orphan his parent died 20 years ago when he was still a baby. People think max killed his parent due to the secret in which max was born. The day max was born was the day his mother died and so many people in hilltong hills died due to the powerful rain that fall the day he was born. People think he was cursed and they chased him and his father to a deep forest. His father Mr Henry scoffland hated max since the day he was born because he think he killed his mother. Mr henry scoffland maltreat max everyday Max never have a happy memory in his life. One day Max father set out to go an visit a witch next town. Max father was told by the witch that his son is a devil that he is not an ordinary child he will discover his power when he clock 18 and become evil . Henry   father was afraid he carried max and throw him into an ocean. Max cried for 2 month until he was found by a poor farmer. The farmer carried max home and nurtured him for 10 years until he died max his now  10 years old. Before the farmer died the farmer gave Max a magic gourd. He told him to wish anything he want into the gourd but he can only wish twice. Max think of what to wish for so max wish for money and he also wish to grow more old to take of the money he wish for.

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