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Max was so happy to go to school. Because Mr Washington told him he his going to see many pretty girls in school,plus he his a celebrity all girl would be happy to have him.

Max: Mr Washington get the car ready.

Mr Washington: OK sir.

Max car drive into the school premises. All the student eye were on max when he came out of the car some rush to him asking for his autograph. Max was so happy to be in the midst of beautiful damsels. Max was looking around the school and saw a very pretty girl name Andrelina she is so pretty, max was so carried away by her beauty, suddenly the bell rang for class. Everybody rush to their various classes.

In a very spacious class the class was so quite except from the teacher who is explaining Space to the student,max walk in with the principal and everybody stand up to greet.

Principal: Sit down, I want you to welcome a very special guest Max scoffland I know you all know him has an author.

Max: I gat this, hi am Max has she said am 18 years old, I love having fun so see me as an regular student thank you.

Teacher: Max go and sit beside that boy.

Max: okay, max move to where he was directed to.

Principal: Are you okay.

Max: Am okay I guess,wait can I sit with that pretty girl.

Principal: You mean Andrelina.

Max: It that her name gosh her name is also pretty.

Principal: Andrelina is it okay if max sit with you.

Andrelina: (in a very soft tone) Sure.

Max: (Rush beside her).

Principal: You okay max.

Max: I think am gonna be just fine.

During break time max try to talk to Andrelina

Max: (Following her) Hi am max.

Andrelina: You don't need to introduce yourself.

Max: Right, So can we be friends.

Andrelina: We are already friends.

Max: Thanks.

Andrelina: Babe.

Max: You mean me.

Andrelina: (she hug a guy). Babe meet max my friend.

Max: (Stammering). H H Hi.

John: Became angry why are you following my girl friend (push him )

Andrelina: He is just a friend.

Max: Easy guy I don't know she have a boyfriend.

John: You will know now (punching him).

Suddenly max face change his eyeball became red his hand was covered with fire he couldn't control his power. Everybody was afraid. Max cannot control his body so he hit john. John fainted and everybody rush to john. The school doctor examine john but john died instantly. Max was arrested for killing John.

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