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  Suddenly max disappeared to a fancy room. All the room was covered in gold. Max was surprised he knew his wish come  true. Max move to a mirror Max look at his body his face has changed and his eye ball became blue like a crystal. Suddenly someone enter.   
Mr Washington: sir you have a conference meeting with magic stone story company at 9am.

Max: pardon?

Washington: Did you forget.

Max: (pretending). No give me 30minute.

Washington: okay sir.(went out), was wrong with him he is acting weird lately, whatever I don't care all I need is his money.

Max was curious he does not know who he really was so he look around the room to find a hint. Max saw some picture and newspaper about him he read the newspaper.

A popular author Mr max scoffland is having a meeting with magic stone company at 9am.

Max: So am a celebrity in this strange land. Well this what I wanted so let do this.

Max came out of his fancy room to his surprise he saw many bodyguard and reporters he was so afraid.

Max: Damn it what is happening.

Reporters: (Shouting). Is true you have a meeting with magic stone company, what did you eat today,what is the name of the outfit you wear.

Max: Seriously you guys want me to answer all that, okay I did not eat any breakfast because am not hungry, true I have a meeting with whatsoever company you called it, the outfit am wearing I just founded it in my closet question answered.

Max: Guard come escort me out of this crowd.

Finally max was In the conference meeting with the CEO and other employees.

CEO Thompson: Max why are you late.

Max: Am I late what time is it.

CEO: (shouted) this is past ten.

Max: Whoa take it easy man do you know the stress I pass through before coming here.

CEO: I don't care next time you come late you will be fired.

Max: what you are not the boss of me.

CEO: who lead you to where you are today is it not me so just shut up and sit down.

Max: (Murmuring). Does he has a dead wish or what

CEO: what did you say.

Max: nothing.

CEO: Now guys we are need to work hard to make more money, max so think about your next story so I can publish to make more money.

Max:(in his thought). Am I his ATM or what. Okay sir but sir can I go on vacation to get more inspiration on my next story.

CEO: Why don't you go a deadly trip to find more inspiration.

Max: That was mean.

CEO: what do you just say .

Max: nothing.

CEO: better, max you are starting school on Monday.

Max: Which school.

CEO: High school of course.

Max: why

CEO: You are too young to stay at home.

Max: How can a author be going to school.

CEO: (burst into laughter). Punk you think you are that good in words.

Max: am I not.

CEO: You are not I have to correct all your silly mistake before publishing.

Max: whatever. Am going to club tonight so I need some money.

CEO: You little brat you are not allowed stay home and study.

Max: what that means I can't refresh my brain this is unfair.

CEO: Life is unfair get over it.

Max: (walk out of the hall).

CEO: Come back here you jerk, hey! hey!! hey!!.

THE DEADLY SCHOOL RESEARCH TRIPWhere stories live. Discover now