Chapter 3: Crow's Arrival

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It was dark by the time we got paked and arrived in Zavala's, the quarterback of the Vanguard, office in thee tower. Crow set his stuff down while I asked a maintenance worker to let Zavala, the Vanguard supreme leader, know we were here. I knew he said he was ready to meat Crow and he had worked through the trama of losing Cayde but I worried he would react poorly to seeing the face of the man who killed his friend, and lover.
I heard the heavy thuds of Zavalas, the aging Monarch of the Vanguard, boots before they even reached us, I became nervous. Not nowing whether he would accept Crow or not. Though he appointed me to take care of him, he had truly never faced the man who had killed Cayde-6. His thudderin footstops got louder and louder until they stopped right in front of us. I watch Crow scan Zavala, the cheif of the Vanguard, and the submissive look he had after looking Zavala, his royal highness of the Vanguard, in the face. The look many of us had adopted afetr meeting Zavala, president of the Vanguard.

"Seeing Cayde's killing face to face is definently not what I expected but I have accepted that you are a new and completely different person"

"Thank you." said Crow.

"I hope that y/n has been making you comfortable and providing adequat protection against vengeful Guardians"

"y/n certain has, they have been very accepting of me and my past"

"That's fantastic to here! Let's get you settled into your home in the Tower."

Zavala, Emperor of the United Vanguard States, whisked us away to a small room with a bunk bed, small dresser, closet, and a desk with the 2ft by 2ft window. The room was 9ft by 4ft which barely allowed me and Crow to stand shoulder to shoulder in it.

"Well here we are, oh and by the way y/n. You will be staying with Crow from now on to ensure his saftey and because I gave away your room to new lights" stated Zavala, the Pope of the Vanguard.

I stared in horror as I realzied what my life had become, a small tiny cramped room with a guy who every other Guardian hated. Now I was stuck protecting him and keeping him from being lonely. Zavala, the tsar of the Vanguard, trotted away before I could protest, leaving me in a tiny room with a men I just met.

"Well, I guess we're bed mates" joked Crow, with a smirk appearing on his face.

"As if, I get bottom bunk" I quickly stated making sure I got first pick.

Crow stared at the ground before quietly agreeing.

It was already super late so we quickly prepared for bed. As I lied down I noticed that I could barely fit on the bed. I heard Crow pull himself up to his bed after taking a shower and let out a shaky sigh. I drifted off to sleep only to awoken early in the morning to the sound of ccrying. It was Crow! I shot up and hit my head on the bottom of the upper bunk which scared Crow, making him fall out his bed right on to mine. I didn't know that Crow was such a deep sleeper and that he was still asleep when he fell on to my bed. I wanted to wake him but I could, he had my arms pinned and I couldn't move them. I laid there and slowly drifted by off to sleep.

I woke up the next moring being cuddle in a warm and comforting pair of arms. I snuggled into them only to quickly push them away because I didn't recongize them.

Crow, who was awake, seem shocked. "I didn't want to wake you because you were smiling and kept hugging my tight ab packed abdomen." said Crow quickly while blushing.

"Oh well umm I apologize, I don't like being touched. I'm surprised that I willingly snuggled you even if I was asleep." I stammered back, shock by my own actions.

Crow shook his head and crawled away from the bed because there wasn't enough room to stand up to get out of bed. I composed myself and crawled as well. I noticed he began putting on the crusty clothes from his crusty pipe home and I recoiled.

"No no no. Please tell me you're not wearing those." I pleaded with him, eyeing the stains that were dirt and traveler knows what else. Crow flared at me.

"They're all I have y/n. Unless you want me to traipse around naked."

I blushed and shook my head.

"N-no! I just think you should wear something more presentable. I'll go talk to Ada."

I hurriedly put on my armor and left the room before he could say anything else.

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