〖️Verivery × Hoyoung〗️²³

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Request by:little_mxxn

Verivery was in their US Tour schedule for their next concert location as suddenly they got called up by their CEO on the phone to the staff. The staff went silent at first as than they all agreed and packing the stuff they should bring including the clothes.

Now Verivery was in their rooms as Dongheon was planning for calling the others for a small practice on their practice room as they did and hour later, one of the staff member enter the practice room to tell them what happened. "CEO-nim told us about it.. will you guys be ok?"

Dongheon look at both Hoyoung and Kangmim as Kangmin agrees it but Hoyoung seems to not sure about it. "Well.. we will see about it, thank you"

The staff nod and left as they all look at the two "I could imagine those things on them.."

Gyehyeon as Minchan hit him on the shoulder "shut it, Kangmin is still young.. what kind of cross dressing they will wearing?"

"I don't know, I'm not the staff members!" Dongheon exclaimed.

"Uh.. hope the audience won't freak out.." Yeonho as he face plump his face as Yongseung patting his shoulder.

"I will be fine Hyungie~ me and Hoyoung hyung could do it, right hyung?" Kangmin look at Hoyoung who was that darkly blushed on his face as Dongheon chuckled.

"We will be on your side Bae, no worries.. if that what CEO-nim wants.."

(The next day)

It's the day they were told to both Hoyoung and Kangmin to wear something a bit revealing as Kangmin got a crop top and a skirt as he was blushing realizing that he wanted to be a mature. Kangmin blushed even more as he look at Hoyoung who got himself a dress with the long socks to his knees as he wear them making the others shocked.

Dongheon could feel his nose bleeding as the others start to blushed even more. Even Kangmin shocked and wear his outfit and groan knowing the crop top going to reveal his entire body if he dance to hard including the skirt he was wearing.

It's time for them to came on the stage and everyone was cheering on them and also shocked at the same time looking at both Hoyoung and Kangmin got embarrassed whole the others are just there standing still try not to make them embarrassed even more as Minchan was beside Kangmin knowing he still a minor as he just pat the boy back and whisper "Just imagine there is no fans in front of you and imagine you just wearing a jacket on your waist only, like you wearing a shorts at home"

Kangmin nod at Minchan words as he start to cheering them as Hoyoung couldn't even make a move cause Dongheon and Gyehyeon was beside him holding his hands. Gyehyeon slowly rub his hand as Dongheon locking his hand on him and hide them behind so the fans couldn't see them.

Both 00z joining the cheering and laugh at the same times seeing their fans keep shouting on them. As than they start to dance with Trigger on the first performance and that when Hoyoung start to get embarrassed that his skirt won't stop revealing his tights.

As the performance ends Hoyoung was embarrassed and faced behind their fans which had Dongheon worried and hugged him tightly "shh.. don't worry Bae.. qe wont laugh at you either Kangmin.. you look amazing in those dress to be honest"

"S-shut it pervert.." Dongheon giggles as Hoyoung start to comfort himself as than they all could changed back to their normal outfit and both Kangmin and Hoyoung hugged each others.

"You did well hyungie~~"

"Thank you Minie~~" Hoyoung as everyone start to gathered around and hugged each others in front of their fans as than their concert ended and they all went back home still remembering Hoyoung in that dress as the six gathered in the living room and watches Hoyoung on the kitchen washing the dishes and smirk.

"Bae Hoyoung you are the best!" Hoyoung shocked and look behind him and smiles.

"Thank you boys~~" the six boys giggles and went towards him.

"Can we, have our kisses?" Hoyoung blushed and nod slowly and they all start kissing Hoyoung on his face softly and giggles around together.


Thank you for requesting ♡️ Hope you have a nice day and also Stay Safe Cuties!!!

Yes probably this is not what you wanted but I tried to make it more.. fluff than being s3xu@liz3d them. So please understand me that Kangmin is still a minor, until he reach his 20s, don't even do that much but try to make it not revealing too much as well.

Have fun reading!

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