Bonten x Reader

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~A/n: LAST PART! 😊

Friday came in a blink of an eye and you're on your way to the resort after lunch. Three cars were brought as Koko drove with you and Mikey, Takeomi and Mucho followed by the Haitani brothers and Saznu. As they parked their cars, a lot of people were staring. Why is that? Because of the luxury cars? Nah. Because of the chubby bunny in Sanzu's Polo pocket with shades on? Nah. More like they were looking at you and of course the hot men you're with.

Men and women alike were staring openly with lust in their eyes as you just shrugged. Kinda used to that type of attention. When you're with the Bonten members, there will never be a day that girls aren't ogling at them. If you had a boyfriend among them, you'd be super jealous. Thankfully, you don't have any deep feelings when it comes to them... or so you think.

Mikey clicked his tongue as he saw men staring at you like they want to eat you. The other members automatically shielded you as you bent down to grab your bag at the back of the car. You raised your eyebrow at Ran and Mucho who were covering your back. "Let me carry that (f/n)." Sanzu said grabbing your bag and giving you Buba. "You can carry him" he smiled as you nodded.

Looking at them confused, your eyes darted towards Rindou who was shaking his head while looking at you up and down. "What?" you asked him as he sighed. "Boss?" he said looking at Mikey as your brother nodded. He then proceed to take off his black button down polo and placed it on you. "Wear it" he said as you furrowed your eyebrows. "Why?" you asked. "Just wear it (f/n)" Mikey said lowly as you sighed and wore it. You didn't want Mikey to be in a bad mood cause it will only make you pack your things and leave.

"Happy?" you asked pouting as they all nodded. "Let's go?" Koko asked as you nodded and walked beside him. Why did they make you wear the polo that Rindou was wearing? It's because you wore shorts that were 'TOO SHORT' for them. "Stop pouting" Koko chuckled as you rolled your eyes. "They were called SHORTS for a reason" you grumbled as Takeomi patted your head. "We just don't want to see blood in this trip so just bear with it for a while" he said as you sighed and nodded. "Good girl." He smiled.

As the gang approached the reception, Koko took out the certificate for the accommodation. "We'd like to upgrade everything in this certificate. Since this was the only room available, we'll bear with it. Just upgrade the meals to the most luxurious one you have. We'll do the buffet tonight so reserve a table for eight for the next night, we'll book the whole second floor of the restaurant, next add the usage of gym for 3, book the whole spa for tonight, then book the whole private hot spring the next night and please add one pillow for each of us" he rambled as you face palmed.

The receptionist looked lost as Koko raised his eyebrow at her. "Make it quick" he said as you smacked his shoulder. "What?" he looked confused as to why you hit him. "Hajime" you warned as he shut up. "Hi. Can you call your manager please?" you asked politely as she nodded and called for the manager. "Was that necessary??" you asked as he nodded. "Of course. She was slow and shit" he answered as you sighed. "Hajime behave" you warned as he rolled his eyes. Not long after, the manage, who looked like a slut appeared with the receptionist a while ago. She looked bored and irritated but as her eyes landed on Koko she readjust herself along with unbuttoning two buttons from her uniform. You raised an eyebrow at her as she smiled at Koko. "How may I help you" she looked at him up and down before licking her lips. "Sir" she purred as you looked at her disgusted. Her eyes landed on you as she just ignored you.

Your eyes trailed to Koko who had a blank face on. You grinned as Koko didn't mind her and just repeated what he said a while ago. "Is that all sir?" she asked as Koko nodded. "Here. Charge everything in this card" he gave her the black card as her eyes sparkled. "What's taking so long?" Ran said appearing behind you and Koko. Her eyes traveled up and down again before each of the members appeared behind or beside both of you asking if there was a problem with the reservation. She was looking at the boys with such lecherous eyes that you almost gagged. "Are you guys free tonight? Why don't we use the private rooms you booked?" she purred as you held in a laugh. She sounded like a thirsty bitch. Literally.

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