Haitani Ran x Reader

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~A/n: This is already in the Bonten Era and this chapter is more on your story before meeting them at the bar 😊


The room was filled with an awkward atmosphere as you and Rindou both had a staring contest as Koko was holding back his laugher. He cleared his throat as both of you looked at him. "It's rude to stare, Rindou" he said as the other male flinched and apologized. You sighed, "It's fine."  You answered as Rindou took a seat beside Koko. "Now, before we start the negotiations, let's introduce ourselves again." He said as you nodded.

"I'm (l/n) (/fn). The owner of (c/n). Nice to meet you." You said with a business smile. "I'm Haitani Rindou" he said as the smile on your lips wavered a bit. Rindou saw this and frowned "It's not nice to meet you but long time no see, right? What a coincidence." you said as he nodded. A tense atmosphere replaced the awkward one as Koko smirked, finding it amusing. "Then, Let's start?" he said looking at you as you nodded. The negotiations lasted for almost two hours as you smiled at the contract in front of you, clearly pleased.

"Then I'll accept these terms, Koko-kun" you smiled as he grinned. "Same" he replied as both of you signed the papers. "Should we order lunch?" he asked as you looked at the time, it was almost 2PM. You were contemplating whether to eat with them since it'd be a lie if you said everything is fine after meeting the brother of your ex. "I- I think I'm going to pass. I'm not that hungr-" you were in the middle of declining when your stomach thought it would be funny to announce to the whole freaking world that she's hungry af.

Koko and Rindou stifled a laughter as you facepalmed, feeling your cheeks grow hotter and hotter by each passing second. "I'd love to" you murmured as Koko chuckled. "Serve all the specialties here" he told the waiter as he nodded. "What would you like to drink?" he asked you as you scanned the menu. "(f/d)" you said as Rindou murmured the same answer as your eyes widened. Rindou looked shocked as well, he didn't intend to say that out loud. He looked away with a blush present on his cheeks. "What about you?" Koko grinned at him as he answered "The usual" the waiter nodded and left the room.

Another awkward atmosphere was present as you looked at Koko who looked like he was enjoying himself. Raising an eyebrow at him, he just shrugged. "I can't believe you still know my favorite drink Haitani-kun. It's been years" you said as he froze and slowly looked at you. "I- I have great memory?" it came out as a question rather than a statement as you giggled. He blushed and covered his face as Koko burst out laughing. The conversation started from there as you both began to get comfortable. The food arrived and the three of you started eating.

"It's delicious" you gushed as your eyes sparkled. Rindou smiled at you as he recalled the same expression you make every time both of you went out to eat. He was your food buddy in the past. She still hasn't change despite her appearance, she's still the (f/n) I know. He smiled as he continued eating while Koko was staring at him intently before a small smile appeared on his lips as he too continued eating. Lunch was finally over as Koko paid the bill. At first you wanted to pay but the silver haired male said 'NO' and Rindou nodded in agreement.

The three of you exited the restaurant and went to your cars.  "Thank you for the meal" you smiled at them as Koko nodded. "You're welcome." He replied. "Then I'll see you again after a week when my team is finally here" you smiled as he nodded. "See you Koko-kun and Haitani-kun" you smiled and went in your car as they wave you off. "Want her number?" Koko grinned as Rindou rolled his eyes. "Get in before I leave you behind" he said getting in the driver's seat as Koko laughed. The both of them were traveling back to the base as Koko looked at him. "What?" he asked clearly annoyed and uncomfortable at the same time.

"Do you like her?" he asked as Rindou immediately hit the breaks as Koko almost kissed the windshield. "What the fuck?!" he yelled glaring at Rindou who was looking at him with wide eyes and red cheeks. "H-how?" he murmured as Koko rolled his eyes. "You were so obvious. Since the beginning, I knew" he said as Rindou sighed and continued driving. "Don't tell anyone. Okay?" he said as Koko grinned. "Of course. This is my secret entertainment anyway" he said chuckling as Rindou sighed and shook his head. They both arrived at the base and only Mucho was there.

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