Escape - Soundwave x Reader

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Couldn't come up with a better title. Deal with it.
Okay... I'm going to say this now. Writing reader inserts is not my cup of tea, nor did my recent writer's block help much in the matter. However, after almost FOUR months of struggling, I have something presentable that will hopefully satisfy the friend who requested this. I have a few other requests and I've completed a few collaborations, but I'm starting to run out, so feel free to send me your ideas. You can probably tell I wrote this while sober based on my mood alone... oh well.


I dashed down one of many dark corridors. Wherever I was, this shitty palace of a prison seemed endless. My hair is greasy, the oil trapping the sweat around my neck. This place didn't sport showers. At least, not any human sized ones. It felt weird as I'd never gone this long without one. Even my depression never got this bad. Damn, this is really bothering me. At this point, I've lost track of time. It's been long enough that I've had to sleep a few times to avoid collapsing, but still I have no clue.

You're probably wondering, how the fuck did I end up here? Uh oh, looks like luck rolled 1, I have no idea either.

I only have one thing to blame so far, a robot. This robot doesn't say a peep. It could be worse. It could've killed me, then throw my dead body out a door or window. Just something other than these dark walls. This robot seemed pretty nice so far for being a rip-off of Slender-man. It's not too bad, I was given water. Actually, it gave me some ramen packets too, and yes, I ate that shit raw. That's what I call five-star service. Anyway, this robot only checked up on me in about eight hour intervals. Seven-ish times so far. I say ish because I wasn't aware enough to know if it checked up on me when I was asleep or not.

Totally without a lick of panic, I say to you now that I'm probably going to die. I ran away, er, am running away. It hasn't noticed yet. At least I think. Though, the damn bastard is creepily perceptive as hell so I doubt It'll be much longer before it finds out.

Speaking of which, I slow down. I'm frustrated, terrified to the point of shitting my pants, and fucking lost. Sounds like a perfect combo, right?

The ground begins to vibrate as I throw myself behind one of the tall pillars that line the walls. Giant footsteps approach fast, getting louder and louder to the point that my whole body is shaking. I hold my mouth shut, choking down a scream.

Let's hope it doesn't find me.

The footsteps stop.

Oh shit.

Then they continue, more hurried this time. As they fade into the background, I jump up and run the way the footfalls originated from. God, I'm running a marathon at this point. My lungs fucking burn.

More footsteps overlap each other, heading in my direction. If there was a better time to start praying to God, I would be glad to know. Once again, I hide behind a pillar. I peek out just enough to see, watching an entire pack of giant robots run past.

Well shit, there's more of them.

Yep, turns out that giant robot wasn't the only one in this place. You know what else I didn't know? Peeking out was a bad idea. I wish I didn't do that.

As soon as they left and my body stopped shaking, I went to make a run for it. Yeeeeaaahhh, no. The giant robot came out of nowhere without so much as making a sound. I swear I pissed my pants seeing it. I need to cover my bases... yes, I did try to run, but it must've moved fast because I sure as hell didn't get far.

Lifting me up, the ominous black visor glares into my soul, a void one could easily get lost in. I scream, struggling against the grip around my waist. Were it any tighter, my ribs would probably crack. It scrunches up it's shoulders, grimacing as it muffles my sore excuse of a sonic defence mechanism with a thin hand. Before I know it, I'm out of breath, clinging on for dear life as it walks away.

I'm never getting out of here.

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